it is going to happen again soon see it onfold wise up because in 2012 the earth tune in 4 dimention now not many see it but we are in 5 dimention wise up and know what its coming the one who will oold to the system their soul mind and body will decay as they will feel not welcome they will feel so starnge they will willing ly le them self die
it is going to happen again soon see it onfold wise up because in 2012 the earth tune in 4 dimention now not many see it but we are in 5 dimention wise up and know what its coming the one who will oold to the system their soul mind and body will decay as they will feel not welcome they will feel so starnge they will willing ly le them self die
only pure soul can acesss infinite mind and all the knowledge of the universe and be omniscient the first tree step to create the lucifer experiment its to make you believe that death is real the secound is copright and paten the last the notion that you own the land so they control the science and only alow what keep babaylone alive and you are eternal slave because all real science is forbiden and view as evil the only reason the elite evil want keep some knowledge secret is they buy or kill anyone who as the knowledge to save the world and use high power of brainwash and mind control true tv and radio and there alway a high karmic price to pay to miss use spiritual or psychic power if you think sorcery will save the world look at haiti where amost everyone worship some vood priest it only bring disease and natural disaster and let me tel you 2 secret well keep by the elite the colective mind give you posibility to understan the myth human call reality and go in any culture and be safe as you understand how think think and belief the universal mind is something way starnger it make you understand all science of baybaylone but also all the science of infinite number of galaxtic tribe and believe me most of people down here are view as garbage expept a few chosen one they dont use money and teleportation is aviable to all no sickness no disease its like starwar start treek doctor who in wy more beautyfull and undescribable nothing you can imagine can come close to the beauty that there world have and believe me no elite and people that seem to gouvern any gouvernement of our world will not be alow in this time line to see the beauty that its coming and most psychiatrist are verysoon to cease to exist the one that has firgur it out they all give there demision and the one who think gouvernement religion and culture is nthere friend and will comply with all the lie delusion of the system soon will figure out nothing can keep them safe and they will cry for salvation but for many of them it will be to late