
 Dear friends,

Identity politics is a maya, so an even less aware energy, in levels of esoteric consciousness, in comparison to the emotional glamours and mental aberrations, that cause illusions, upon the mental plane...

So when we each consider our identity, or identities....Great care should be attributed an inner and an outer meaning, for the former precedes the latter, in relevance....
I mentioned my own identity, in the post below...Giving an important mention of the intrinsic essence, as to my identity.....In fact, it's the same for all human beings incarnated on earth, known or otherwise.......It does not require a religious belief to be the case. But, of all the world's religions, only the buddhists make a special note of this esoteric truism...It's a true wisdom taught humanity by the Buddha, who is one of six (seraphims, kumaras,) who work alongside the planetary logos..Giving a special importance to these teachings...I'll quote this extract:

"Intrinsic essence in Buddhism denotes the essential nature of existence that transcends conceptual thought. It relates to the purity found in spiritual achievements and is a core aspect of understanding one's true nature. This concept emphasizes observing reality beyond ordinary perceptions, revealing a deeper, unaltered state of being that aligns with the spiritual journey in Buddhism. Ultimately, recognizing intrinsic essence allows individuals to understand the fundamental truths of existence and their spiritual path." end quote.

And so, when any secular, or lesser aware person, makes pronouncements about their "identities," it often misses the mark, totally and is subject to glamour and ilusion, in the outer world, as very much demonstrated to all of us by the current woke obsessions, we see, in the west, in particular...In fact, it is a lesser consciousness than even glamour, as it is based upon maya, which are physical attachments, eclipsing any higher quality, and/or consideration...For the woke person, all that matters is the physical form, as if that form had nothing else to bring to it's existence...A person judged solely upon their appearance...
gender, race, class, age, culture, religion, etc....And of course, the total illusion that a person "only lives once."

(A "science" pronouncement, as well as a gross mistake made by the christian churches, when Roman emperor Justinian, forbad the "doctrine" of rebirth, in the 6th century AD...forcing the then Pope, to submit to that change in church doctrine. (Of course, as arrogantly pointless as trying to forbid the season of Winter, the tweeting of song birds, or the falling of rain.)

Such things may have an identitarian meaning and value, BUT, each misses the intrinsic essence, of who and what we TRULY are....Behind the curtain....The veil, a veil of deception that obscures the true divine nature of existence....Maya is a resisting factor to human holds evolution back....and in current times, represented so forcefully by wokeness...with it's obsession with outer appearance and lesser identity...


Selamat kasijaram zau.. (Sirian for “be blessed in the love and joy of spirit…!”) 🙏


Col. Drekx Omega

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  • The "gulf of Mexico" was named by the Spaniards, during the Aztec Empire.....Why would any wokester find it an offense to rename, what was a Spanish Empire conquest, with an up to date representation of an American continental name...?? Gulf of America....rather like the English channel, it makes sense...It seems that wokesters always hate Anglospheric imperialism, but give a free pass to anyone else's imperialism...
    Like they moan about the slave trade, and NEVER mention that the British Empire was the first in history, to abolish slavery.....They never mention that modern slavery in China, Africa and the mid east, is still ongoing....Blind, stupid and ignorant.....That is what woke turns people into....
  • And I don't even mind the renaming of places, due to popular demand, or as advocated by historical imperatives...For example, the capital city of the Russian Empire was Saint Petersburg and even beforer the revolution, there was a demand to rename it Petrograd....As the Russians had a popularly supported dislike for all "German" cultural influences....During WW1, the Tsarina was considered a German spy, so anything "German" was hated by all Russians...Then during the USSR, the city of Petrograd was renamed Leningrad, in honour of Lenin, in 1924, after he died...And later, by several decades, to 1991, and the fall of the USSR, it went back to Saint Petersburg., the same original name as used before WW1...Albeit, they kept Moscow as the capital city...
    In many ways the changes made sense....and were not just communist flights of fancy, but popular perceptions and with popular support...
    It does seem that woke does not care for popular perceptions and public support and would rather change something, simply to annoy the majority of people.....which is very unwise and borders upon childishness....
  • yes, the woke people change everything, but are against Trump's proposal to rename the Gulf of Mexico LOL
  • With fictional characters played by actors and actresses, it is of no matter, BUT, history is different...If I were casting an actress to play the role of Cleopatra, I would first do proper research and discover that a woman of latina looks, mostly Greek, would be the best selection, as Cleopatra was a Ptolemy..Netflix is pushing an agenda when they cast a black actress in that role...

    Just imagine a remake of the movie "Zulu," with Brad Pitt playing African King Cetshwayo..?? Totally wrong, as the historical character was black African...Works both ways...Facts and truth have value..propaganda does not...
  • Yes and in the modern world we see this hatred of true and lust for power over hearts and minds, in historical revisionism, in film, TV series, books and magazines....Their message is that white people were not around in the past, as most civilsations were run by blacks...Of course, totally untrue...

    I have heard revisionists talk of black Romans, black Egyptians, black Vikings, black Britons and even black Tudor queens, in 16th century England....They seek to brainwash the young, but do not realise that this fakery is blatantly obvious....and intended to confuse and mislead...

    And here we see an "historical production, about a Tudor lady"....errrrr, no....!!
  • it is always about power and never about truth
  • Thanks friends....and yes, it was Emperor Justinian who forced the council to make reincarnation anathema, as a "doctrine" within the church...

    I'll link this book that reads as follws, for any student of history, who would like to read the background...(I already knew all about this, without the book.)

    "This book is designed to deliver a coherent and breathtaking explanation of the events surrounding the abolition of reincarnation from the scriptures of Christianity. In AD 543, the then ruler of the Roman Empire, Emperor Justinian I, blatantly and brutally removed the Teachings of reincarnation from the scriptures of Christian orthodox doctrines. For the first 500 years of Christianity, reincarnation was a vital component of Christian doctrines. In fact, early Christians and church fathers firmly believed in reincarnation. Prominent theologians and church personalities who believed in reincarnation Origen, Clement of Alexandria, St Jerome, Synesius, Maximus of Tyre, Johannes Scotus Erigena, just to mention a few. According to Clement of Alexandria, a faithful disciple of the Apostle Paul, Jesus imparted certain secret and sacred Teachings upon Saint Paul, one of which was reincarnation. The Roman Emperor Justinian I, banished the Teachings of reincarnation from Christian doctrines because he was of the view that belief in reincarnation, posed a severe socio-political threat to the Roman Empire. Belief in reincarnation entails the pre-existence of a soul before it enters the physical body during conception. If a soul existed in a spiritual realm prior to taking birth on earth, it means such a soul is somewhat, already aware of its Divine nature and Divine origin. Such a soul could undermine the authority of the emperor, and even belittle the attributed supremacy of the church, as the one and only agency of salvation. Such individuals who are aware of their Divine nature might not even see the need for an emperor. They might even refuse to pay taxes, a scenario that could threaten the political and economic stability of the Roman Empire. The emperor conspired with certain bishops, to foster the belief that only the soul of Jesus came from Heaven and descended onto earth. All other souls are created at the time of conception and had never existed before. Such souls can only enter Heaven through Jesus Christ, alongside the guidance of the church and the wise leadership of the Roman Empire. Thus, Emperor Justinian I conspired to remove the Teachings of reincarnation from Christian doctrines, in order to stop people from conducting serious spiritual inquiry about their Divine origins, and the ultimate purpose of life on earth. In 553 AD, Emperor Justinian I summoned a Council of prominent religious leaders known as the Fifth Ecumenical Council or the Second Council of Constantinople. It was presided over by the incumbent Patriarch of Constantinople, Eutychius. The Council was attended by 165 bishops. Pope Vigilius who himself was a believer in reincarnation, was summoned to the Council but refused to attend. Emperor Justinian I pressurized the attendees to banish reincarnation from the doctrines of the church. The statement of banishment If anyone asserts the fabulous pre-existence of souls, and shall assert the monstrous restoration which follows from let him be anathema. From then henceforth, reincarnation became foreign to the Christian belief system. This book begins by providing a concise definition of the twin law of karma and reincarnation. The book then supplies a brief historical review of the Ancient Roman Empire. Thereafter, it highlights the means by which Christianity made its way from Israel to the Roman Empire, followed by reflections on how Christianity was established in this powerful Empire. The book then identifies verses in the Bible that support karma and reincarnation, before spotlighting evidence of prominent early Christians, who advocated the doctrine of reincarnation. The book then provides a strongly convincing account of how Emperor Justinian I, abolished belief in reincarnation in Christianity. Finally, the book solidifies the elements discussed, with a succinct and empowering conclusion."
    Reincarnation was Removed from the Christian Scriptures…
    This book is designed to deliver a coherent and breatht…
  • I thought I saw something not too long ago where some of these woke folks believe there are more than 70 genders or something. Those of them who do believe that might want to return to the asylums they came from lol.
  • So far I have not fallen out with my folks who have gone full blown stupid, but I try and stay away from them as much as possible. I still like visiting my sister and her boyfriend, but they are really brainwashed just like some of my other folks.
  • nice blog Drekx, I always thought incarnation was scrapped from the bible at the The Council of Nicea, but, so, it was later under Justinian.
    And the woke virus is a peak point of secularism and detachment of people from their feelings and inner "worlds" and spirituality. I was not always so spiritual, so I talk from my experience
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Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"More Epstein news as video and audio evidence is being talked about again."
9 minutes ago
Drekx Omega commented on Drekx Omega's blog post Wokeness is a “Maya;” an Illusion Focussed upon Physicality
"The "gulf of Mexico" was named by the Spaniards, during the Aztec Empire.....Why would any wokester find it an offense to rename, what was a Spanish Empire conquest, with an up to date representation of an American continental name...?? Gulf of…"
1 hour ago
Drekx Omega commented on Drekx Omega's blog post Wokeness is a “Maya;” an Illusion Focussed upon Physicality
"And I don't even mind the renaming of places, due to popular demand, or as advocated by historical imperatives...For example, the capital city of the Russian Empire was Saint Petersburg and even beforer the revolution, there was a demand to rename…"
1 hour ago
Andromedaner Z commented on Drekx Omega's blog post Wokeness is a “Maya;” an Illusion Focussed upon Physicality
"yes, the woke people change everything, but are against Trump's proposal to rename the Gulf of Mexico LOL"
3 hours ago
Drekx Omega commented on Drekx Omega's blog post Wokeness is a “Maya;” an Illusion Focussed upon Physicality
"With fictional characters played by actors and actresses, it is of no matter, BUT, history is different...If I were casting an actress to play the role of Cleopatra, I would first do proper research and discover that a woman of latina looks, mostly…"
3 hours ago
Drekx Omega commented on Drekx Omega's blog post Wokeness is a “Maya;” an Illusion Focussed upon Physicality
"Yes and in the modern world we see this hatred of true and lust for power over hearts and minds, in historical revisionism, in film, TV series, books and magazines....Their message is that white people were not around in the past, as most…"
3 hours ago
Andromedaner Z commented on Drekx Omega's blog post Wokeness is a “Maya;” an Illusion Focussed upon Physicality
"it is always about power and never about truth"
3 hours ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"It is very interesting to observe Emperor Justinian's reasons for making the church drop the "doctrine" of reincarnation, rendering such teachings anathema....Power does not like rivalry....In fact, in the modern world, it is assumed that "young…"
3 hours ago