If you have any doubt that Humanity is awakening, look at the protests in these cities this weekend; London, Paris, Kassel Germany… and if I had time to hang out on Twitter and Telegram I’d probably see more. In Paris they are saying it’s about police brutality.
RT reports…
Londoners take to the streets on Saturday, March 20, to join in the worldwide 100 cities ,anti COVID-19 lockdown protests. Similar demonstrations against the restrictions forced by the coronavirus pandemic are expected to happen in 51 more countries.
The People are fed up. They know a pandemic doesn’t last a year and that healthy people should not be locked down and forced to stop living their lives when there are perfectly good therapeutics and medicines that will eliminate the symptoms of this flu in short order. It’s not about the virus, it’s about the ultimate goal of the NWO—vaccinating every Human on the planet.