To the uninitiated, the term “exopolitics” may sound like a term nicked from a sci-fi dime novel. But the word–defined as “the overarching term for the political engagement of extraterrestrial-relatedphenomena and extraterrestrial beings by governments and people”–hasbegun to seep into the real-world lexicon, little by little, as effortsto push for UFO “disclosure” becomes an ever more increasinglyurgent—and global—issue.
In the shadow of the Washington Monument and mere blocks from the White House, the sixth X Conference was held the first weekend of May atthe National Press Club. Described as “an advocacy effort designed tounleash the most important event in all of human history,” the XConference is not your typical UFO get-together.
Hosted by former CNN correspondent Cheryll Jones and produced by the Paradigm Research Group, this year’s event featured 12 speakers fromfour countries, and, as in years past, they included the crème de lacrème of serious ufological researchers, as well as attendees from asfar afield as South Africa and Finland.
PRG executive director Stephen Bassett—the country’s only “UFO Lobbyist” and a tireless advocate against what he terms the “governmentimposed truth embargo” on the extraterrestrial issue—began Fridaynight’s proceedings on a serious note. “The United States governmentmade a decision to spend an enormous amount of money and go toextraordinary lengths, in the interest of your national security, toprevent the formal acknowledgment and [public] awareness of anextraterrestrial presence engaging the planet.” Tracing this decisionback to 1947, Bassett called it “one of the most fateful in all of humanhistory,” one that has effected humanity in almost every sphere of ourexistence.