Y O U A R E G O D !

Y O U A R E G O D !
Stephen Steward

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Well... my friend...
let's see whether I can make this a bit clearer.

And I'll try to keep it as simple as possible.

You are the Creator...
in the Form of an Individualized Entity...
and your task is to awaken from the sleep of Unconsciousness.
You are... the Evolution of Consciousness.

In order to do that...
you have chosen the Biological Path...
which means that by living in your own Matter Creation...
you eventually will become Fully Conscious.

So... you have radiated yourself...
into your Creation and you end up... or begin...
in the Physical Realm... and all that goes with it.

You come to the conclusion that the place is just too big...
so you start subdividing it.

In other words...
you have erected...
Time and Space...
Bodies with Senses and Solidness...
including Lifetimes with Friends and Enemies...
and all kinds of other Things to make you feel at home.

You dream up all these Things...
and they form the Walls and Partitions of your home...
in order to make you feel cozy.

All these Things form... the Scenery of your Environment...
and it helps you... to find your way around.

When you eventually begin to awaken...
you start to see through the Scenery of your Environment...
and you'll find that you were never anywhere else...
but in your own Creation.

In other words... Time and Space... The Plane of Earth...
the Planes of the Astral... and other Realms of Existence...
are the Sceneries you have erected or imagined...
in order to discover who you really are... and where you are.

Naturally... you were living in the same Place all along.

! This Place is Consciousness !

All your Lifetimes... Times and Places... Heavens and Hells...
Fathers and Mothers... Sons and Daughters... Friends...
and all other People and Things...
are the Figures in the Dream... you were dreaming.

Your Dream is absolutely Beautiful...
but you are more... than a Figure or Participant in your Dream.


You are the Creator... or Dreamer of all Dreams.

All lifetimes then... all places and times...
are but different aspects of your dream.

So... if you understand the above...
you understand the Concept of Reincarnation...
and the Reality of Human Life.

It is just not what it seems to be...

The Individualized Creator you are...
masterfully projects into the Physical Plane...
your Conscious Mind and the Body you live in.

The Individualized Creator... is the Soul...
and you as a Conscious Human Being are its Instrument.

The Creator... the Soul... and the Human Being...
are really all the same Being... and we call it... YOU.

So YOU then... as the Soul or Inner Self...
use your Creative Powers...
by manifesting a Human Being in the Plane of Earth...
which you see when you look into the mirror.

This manifestation naturally includes...
your Personality... your Conscious Mind... your Heart...
your Brains... and all the Thoughts you have.

So... who are You...?
You are an Individualized God Being and Creator...
who by means of its Dreams... is trying to awaken Itself.
And again.... this Self... is You.

You as a Soul then...
create a Physical Human Being... who lives on Earth...
and thinks it is somebody.

You as this somebody...
live and exist on planet earth... as a Human Being...
and are subjected to Time and Space.

You think then... that there is Time to do things in...
and that Space is the expanse you move around in.
It all seems awfully real.

The Being you are however... is programmed and conditioned...
by the combined activity...
of your conscious mind... brain... and senses.
This makes you believe that these physical things are real.

! Well my friend... you have dreamed the World !
! We all dream the World !
The Scientists who discovered this... are absolutely right.


Now... depending upon what Plane of Existence...
your Consciousness is focused...
what Plane you experience as real.

Obviously... you have focused your consciousness...
upon the Physical Plane right now...
for you are moving about and around... from day to day...
in the parameters of Space and Time.

Your Bodily Being then...
including your conscious mind...
lives and exists in an environment of matter...
and is the Instrument or Reporter for the Soul or Creator...
who likes to be informed about its Physical Dream.

! You are the Lens and Tabloid for the Creator You Are !

Sooner or later though...
you as a Human Being come to the conclusion...
that you are more than just a Physical Being.

You become aware that you are a Spirit in Flesh.

You also find out... that you have...
a logical mind that thinks... and a feeling mind that feels.

You have then a thinking... and a feeling mind...
and you know...
that you are a physical... as well as a spiritual Being.

To exercise and wake up your feeling or intuitive mind...
is your task while you live on earth.

This Intuitive Mind is the Soul speaking to you and through you.

Once your Intuitive Mind awakens... you realize...
that you are the Soul... or Creator... living on earth as You.

The Soul or Creator...
is a very purposeful Being... and in order to awaken...
you are not the only Instrument doing the Awakening.

There are many human beings... living...
all over the Dreamland of Time and Space...
and they all experience different lifetimes for the same Soul.

Now... for you personally...
these different lifetimes can be seen as... reincarnations...
but for the Soul... all things are happening at once.
The Soul lives in Now-Time and you live in Times.

So... depending from which Plane of Being...
you look at reincarnation... you could say...
that from the Soul's point of view... reincarnation is a myth.

For Time... and Space...
are but arbitrary concepts of the Personal Self...
under the domination of its conscious mind... brain and senses.

Human Life takes place in an Environment...
that is the Product of the Conscious Human Mind.

It is an Illusion. However... the Illusion is Real.

We can even enter Time and Space after Enlightenment...
and help the Human Beings we are in Consciousness.

Now...let's look at the conscious mind...
Your conscious mind is a Projection of the Soul Self...
and it is a Magical Device...
for navigating the World of Illusion.

You see... your conscious mind is limited and it deceives you.
It only reveals... the Nature of the Physical.

So... Human Life... is nothing but a dream that is real...
and to awaken from this dream completely... is Enlightenment.

Since you live in the Plane of Separation...
your conscious mind gives you the impression...
that you... and all the rest of this matter universe...
are separate... independent... and self-contained Entities.

Well... as you know... that is just not so.
All Entities have their Existence in the One Consciousness.

Your conscious mind then...
under the domination of your senses...
gives you a true conception of the Physical Universe... Only.

In order to find out however... who or what you really are...
you need a different kind of perception or awareness.

This different kind of awareness is a product...
of your Feeling or Intuitive Mind.

Your Soul... as an Individualized God...
is trying to manifest in the Plane of the Physical...
a Human Being...
with all the Qualities necessary to make this Human Being...
realize... who or what... this Human Being really is.

When this comes true... you have attained...
the True and Perfect Realization... that YOU Are God...
and that you live in the Physical World... as a Human Being.

You then... actualize God the Creator in Human Form.

Now... whether you realize this or not...
You Are God... anyway.
You just don't know it.

To me... the whole thing is quite simple.

For All of Us are the same Creator... different ways.

The point is...
that all of us have different functions and duties...
because we are all different... on purpose.

We are all One Creator... with different assignments...
in order to entertain ourselves infinitely...
our Infinite Dream of Creation.

So... you and I and the Rest of the Universe... High and Low...
are the One Consciousness of the Universe... dreaming.

We are the Dreamer... not the Dream.

- - - - - - -

Well... Sir... one thing is for sure...
you certainly aren't crazy.
But you sure are very unusual.

I believe... that you are the wisest man I ever met...
but you know... I need to hear this more than once.

It's just too much to understand in one sitting.
I'm sure glad that I have enough tapes for my machine.

I wish I could grasp it all now... but I feel...
that I should listen to the recordings many more times.

I have a long way to go yet...

You know Sir...
I wish I could just be sure...
that what you tell me... is really true.

How could I verify your truth Sir?

Are there books that I could read?

- - - - - - -

Well my friend...
I suggest that you should not accept... my Truth...
as the only Truth there is.
It is only my Truth.

Everybody has his own version of Truth...
for Truth is an Individual Thing.

Your motto should be... never believe anything... it's dangerous.

The story I tell you... is almost to nice to be true
Just receive it as information to be deeply thought about.

Knowing is a Feeling Thing... an Intuitive Thing.

Knowing like that has to be developed by the Intuitive Mind.
It takes time... and by all means... check it out...
there are lots of other sources.

There are thousands of books...
that will tell you a similar story.

No Truth is exactly the same.
Truth is like Beauty... it's in the Mind of the Beholder.

So... read... and ask questions... study...
and be patient with yourself.

It takes time for your Soul to come trickling through.
Full Intuitive Understanding is something that grows slowly.

You can only learn so much at once.

And then... remember my friend...
since I am very unusual... and maybe an old fool.
Who am I... to tell you what to do?

Do what you feel like.
It's entirely up to you.

Also... if your Soul does not tell you what to do...
don't let me disturb you with useless philosophies.

- - - - - - -

But you know Sir...
I think my Soul is trying to tell me!

Life has become more puzzling all the time.
It's like a puzzle with a myriad of pieces... and nothing fits.

I think a lot Sir... maybe... I even think too much!
How can I change my thinking... into feeling?

- - - - - - -

How to answer that question my friend...
is awfully difficult.
All I can say is... listen to your heart... your Inner Self.
And don't blame yourself for being a bit deaf.

Your very trying... will be answered.

Knock on the door... and it will be opened.
Search and you will find.

Also... remember... that you are being lived by God...
so why be concerned?

Let it happen... live with the flow... be open to change.

You are God in an individual Form...
and the Soul you are... will help you along when you are ready.

In the meantime...
do not be concerned with questions like...
Do I do things right? Am I open enough? Am I a good Father?
Do I treat others like I treat myself?

Do the best you can... and laugh about your mistakes.
Life is a celebration... not a snake pit of guilt.

You are perfect the way you are... because you are God Alive.
Do not let your thinking get in your own way.

Be Free... be Happy... be like a Bee and buzz.

Be like a Flower and bloom. Be like God in Man... and Love.

- - - - - - -

Well Sir... I don't know?
How can I be Free?
How can I buzz like a Bee?
How can I be like God... and Love?

I have obligations.

I have two children... a house to pay for... an old car...

How can I be happy... when my work is really tough?
How can I bloom like a Flower?

I have trouble sometimes containing my anger...
how can I be like God... and Love?

It all sounds very nice Sir... but really now...
I have responsibilities. I owe people money. I'm stuck!

How can I be what you say Sir... buzzing like a Bee?

Somehow you know... you make me laugh... at you... and at me.

And yet...? Yet... I know that you are right...
I know that you know... what you're talking about.

But how can I do what I feel like...
with all my day to day obligations?

You know Sir... I'm just a normal guy...
and there are millions like me... ordinary people.
Owing others money.

How can I possibly... buzz like a Bee?
Or be Free?

I am caught in a trap like millions of others... and I know it.

- - - - - - -

Well my friend... your life... and the way you live it...
is what is called... acting out your conditioning.

Which naturally means...
that you are doing exactly what society expects you to do.

You're a follower.

However... I know that your Soul is coming through...
because your Light is blinking.

Since this Light is breaking through now and then...
you're torn between two Masters.

The One Master is You... Your Soul...
and the other is the World of Man and its Insanity.

You have to decide which of these two Masters you want to follow.

The choice is not really that difficult...
for the God within you will direct you.

But don't expect an answer or a solution tomorrow.
God takes time... but always does the right thing.

However... whatever you're going to do...
you have to fulfill your obligations.

You cannot just step away from your responsibilities.

Life is nothing but responsibilities...
either to your Self or to society.

So... do the best you can... and follow the Inner Voice.
Your Freedom is guaranteed.

- - - - - - -

But Sir... this will take years and years...
I might even die before I can be Free.

You know what... now and then...
I wish... that I had never met you.

You've opened doors... I don't like...
and now I cannot close them.

Why did you cross my path?

However... the most baffling to me is...
why did I have to ask all these questions?

What came over me... when I sat beside you?

Your atmosphere has changed me completely.
Somehow... the hidden me has come out.

Do you do that to everybody?

- - - - - - -

Well... my friend...
I do not do anything in particular to anybody...
all I do... is be my Self... as splendid as possible.

However... everybody is affected differently.

It depends on them... not on me.

And Freedom my friend...
Freedom is a Quality of the Mind...
it is an attitude that must become your atmosphere.

You see... since we as Miracles...
are born into a world full of Miracles...
we do not see the Miracles as Miracles.

We think that all things are normal...
this just isn't so.

The Whole of Life is a Celebration of our Greatness.

Until you are able to appreciate this Greatness...
you are missing out... and you feel it.
You feel stuck.

So... whether it takes years... or lifetimes...
to fulfill your responsibilities...
who cares?

Live day by day...
enjoying the Light you are... within.

Expect Miracles... and they will roll your way.

Anyway... I recognize your trouble...
one day you're sky high...
and the next one you're leveled.

You're exactly what I used to be...
I know what it feels like.

However... this is a very good sign...
because you're going through a spiritual change.

It means that your Soul is trying to come in...
but what is inside is not leaving... and it feels crowded.

Why don't you let go of all this conditioned garbage?
You're holding on to a bunch of Gobbledygook...
that's not worth a darn nickel.

You're full of Gi-Go...
your Computer is crashing out... it's ready to burst.

You're a beautiful example...
of Inflationary Self-Importance...
and a Boobtube Victim of the Priesthood of Commercialism.

You have been willynillied by dazzle.
And your reward is confusion.

All this is perfectly positive.
Because you now know... the State of Soul.

Which means... that you can do something about it.
You're only confused... not beaten or slain.

Well now... what does all this mean?
It means that the education you received in the world...
is not worth a darn thing because it did not enrich your Soul.

To know this... is worth a Kingdom.

From now on in...
you will know that you are here...
in order to grow in Consciousness...
and not in money or possessions.

To know this... is a Victorious Victory.

You will grow in Wisdom and Knowledge....
and not to forget... Emotional Stability...
and Spiritual Confidence.

And your question now is...
how am I going to do that...
being the flip-flop I am?

It's easy my friend... easy.

For the Great Soul within... will take charge.

Since you however...
have trouble hearing the Whispers of the Heart...
you think... that you should be doing something different...
than what you are doing.

To that I say... absolute Nonsense.

For at all times in your life...
you are doing what you should be doing.
Who do you think runs the Universe?

You do... by what you are doing.

Does a Bee ask... when it is time to buzz?
Does a Flower ask... when it is time to bloom?

So... do what you do.
But do it with the Knowledge that you are God doing it.
There my friend... that's how important you are.

By doing what you're doing...
you're working on the Transformation of Consciousness...
of Man into God.

Nothing could be more important...

This Transformation of Consciousness...
is attained by... painting your house...
filling the basement cracks ... paying the bills...
working for the paper... camping in the woods... and boating.

All these my friend... are your responsibilities...
and all of them are the Manifestations of Miracles...
once you understand the Greatness You really Are.

Do you remember... that matter does not really exist?

What is the material that your house is made of?
Is it Matter... or is it Mind?

All Things my friend... are your Consciousness or Mind in Action.
And when you fill the crack in your basement wall...
you are literally filling it...
with the Dreamstuff your Mind is made of.

Don't you think for a moment... that it is ... cement.
That's what we call it... yes ... that's what we call it.

But what we call it... is not what it is.
It is your very Consciousness.
The Consciousness or Mind of the Creator you Are.

The whole world... is your own Consciousness or Mind in action.

You see my friend... God the Creator...
is just an ordinary creature.

Like a Mouse or a Louse...
like a Flower or a Bee...
or like You and Me.

That's what God the Creator is.

God is an ordinary Man or Woman...
a Child or a Drunk...
a Chicken or a Skunk.

And you know...
I often wonder about people... while I send them Love.

And sometimes I watch people lost in their self importance.

They move about like Big Shots... and I ask myself...
how will they ever know... that they are God the Creator?
Most people my friend... haven't got a clue.
It's very... very sad.

After that... I send them.... Light and Love.

Each Mind or Consciousness...
has to learn... by living life...
and each and every Soul in its own time...
will rise to the occasion and say... I am the God That Is.

Life is the Teacher.... Life is the Instructor of the God in Man.

For Life... will make all of us recognize...
the Greatness of all Mankind all over our Creation.

Creation... the dream we share.

Now let's talk about... the Concept of God as Such.

God as Such... is the Infinite Cosmic Energy...
Unconscious Consciousness.

By that I mean... that God as Such is an Unconscious Creator.

This Unconscious Creator becomes Conscious of its Creation
by living in its Creation and by becoming Aware as the Created.

This Infinite and Unconscious Creator then...
becomes aware of Itself... as You... and as Me.
And... as all the rest of Creation.

In a Bee... it becomes aware as a Bee... and buzzes.
In a Flower... it becomes aware as a Flower... and flowers.
In a Man... it become aware as a Human Being.... and humanizes.

In myself... it becomes aware as...
The Reality Of Self...
the Self I am in all my Splendor.

That's why I talk about it... I love to talk about my Self.

So... the restlessness within you...
is nothing but the Awakening of the Creator.

This process shakes the very world within you...
because it has to make room for the real Thing.

Congratulations once again... your Soul is showing.
You're learning to recognize the Greatness you really are.

What is happening to you... is...
that the verbal and the analytical half of you...
is being matched by the intuitive half of you.

Which means... that the right side of your brain...
found the connections to the Invisible Aspects of your Being.
You're finally learning to become fully Human.

Being Human means... that you are a Feeling Being...
and more than just a thinker.

And you know... man does very little real thinking.
Most of his thinking... is but a mental reaction or recoil.

They react to what I call...
- conscious mind input -
it's about the same as getting out of the way of a big truck.
Actual Thinking is Creating.

Anyway my friend... it's your turn to speak... what's next.

Well Sir... I really don't know what's next.
I'm still busy contemplating what you just said.

It's all a bit much... much too much.

All I know is... the more you talk...
the more I'm losing my mental equilibrium.

I have so many questions... all bundled up...
for example... what do you mean by Unconscious Consciousness.

What is... The Reality of Self... is it Self Awareness?

Or does it mean that you know... Who or What you are?

You know Sir... you're stranger than you think you are.

Anyway... I still have trouble thinking... that I am God.
And then you talk about the Reality of Self.

You confuse me and I'm lost.

- - - - - - -

Listen carefully... it's difficult to explain.

! The Universe is Consciousness or Mind in Action !

Unconscious Consciousness...
is the Cosmic Energy of the universe...
we are not aware of as yet.

Conscious Consciousness...
is the Cosmic Energy of the Universe...
we are aware of.

In other words... as Human Beings...
we could say that basically there are two kinds of Energies.

Consciousness... and Unconsciousness.

You and I... and all others... though...
are Consciousness... as well as Unconsciousness.

We are Both... we are the Totality.

However... at this moment we are not Consciously Aware of that.

In other words... what we are aware of... is our Consciousness...
and what we are not aware of... is our Unconsciousness.
Remember though... we are both... always.

So... what has not been manifested by us as yet...
what we are not aware of... at this time...
is still in an Unconscious State.

In other words... we grow in Consciousness or Awareness...
and are diminishing our Unconsciousness.

Unconsciousness however... is Unlimited...
and our Potential therefore is Unlimited in Scope.

In actuality however... from a Universal Perspective...
all Things already exist... and are Aspects or Ideas...
in the Universal Consciousness or Mind.

This Universal Mind then... knows no Unconsciousness.
Only we as Human Beings do.

When I speak about the Unconscious Creator...
I speak about this Infinite Creative Force...
from the point of View of a Limited or Learning Being.

! All Beings in the Universe are Limited and Learning !

This is the only perspective I can speak from...
for no Being in the Universe...
is the same forever...
and is equal to...
the Totality or the Universal Consciousness.

We all grow towards this Totality...
but in the meantime we translate or interpret this Totality...
the way we see it and experience it.

Naturally... these Interpretations vary from Being to Being.

All Beings are Aspects or Participants...
in the Play or Dream of Consciousness...
and we could say...
that the Totality of Consciousness...
is beyond the reach of any Being.

Yet all of us... High and Low...
represent and are...
the Universal Consciousness or Mind.

We Are IT... Our Way... Forever.

So... what is Unconscious Consciousness?
It is... what we have not discovered about ourselves.
Like hidden Talents... Wisdom... or Greatness.

All Beings are... see... and experience...
the Totality of the Universe...
but each Being is only conscious...
of his own Interpretations of this Totality.

In other words... there are nothing but Opinions.

And what do I mean by Totality?

The Totality...
or the Universal Consciousness...
is the Dreamer...
of an Infinite Dream Relationship or Play...
which is performed...
by an infinite amount of Aspects or Participants...
and forms Creation known and unknown.

The Interpretation or Experience of this Dream Relationship...
is... an Individual or Personal Affair.

You and I... are... and see... the Universe... our Way.

Life is... what you believe it to be.

I think that the whole thing... is absolutely Fair and Square.
What you experience is your Share of the Universe...
and it is your Creation.

The Universe... or God as Such... reigns.
It is neutral and it does not direct or govern.

You also asked me... what is The Reality of Self.

Well... the Reality of Self...
is the understanding and knowing with absolute certainty...
that you are...
the Reality or Realization of the Universal Consciousness...
your way.

The Reality of Self... is not what we call... Self Awareness...
but it is the Awareness... that you are the Self.
The Unlimited One.

! I am God the Creator my way !
! You are God the Creator your way !

Now my friend... about our discussion this afternoon.

I am trying to explain things in a very simple manner...
and I hope that our chat make sense to you...
as well as to everyone else.

The Universe is Awesomely Complex...
and in no way...
can it be explained by words in a seemingly lost afternoon.

Please remember... that I'm trying to keep things simple...
and my expressions and explanations...
are absolutely juvenile compared to the Real Thing.

The Real Thing... IS ... the Universe....
So if you want to know more about it...
all you have to do... is ... live Life.
It's all Yours... Forever.


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