Imagine being in prison and then you see a strange, small animal. You get interested with it and so you start following it so you may take a closer look at it. Then suddenly you have to stop because you have reached the fence of the prison and off, the animal walks out of the fence. So poor you! You won't quench your curiosity! That is what came to my mind when I saw some Christians wondering if 'Iésous', the Greek word for 'Jesus', infact has something to do with 'zeus', the Greek God! Could it be that someone conspired to replace 'Jesus' with zeus? So they had to check if the original version was different from 'Iésous'. But they found that so was it written in the earliest New Testament bible! So the 'fence of the prison' is where it is written 'the original bible was inspired by God'.

How was Jesus called by his Hebrew speaking disciples? I know that as usual, when the answer is potentially what someone would not want to hear, they often say 'it is difficult to know'. However, it is often nothing of the sort! In this case, all we have to do is note that in Septuagint, the name Joshua is translated into 'Iésous', i.e. the same name they called 'Jesus' in the new testament. It follows then that 'Joshua' was the name for Jesus! So all you need to do is find out how Joshua is written in Hebrew and you find that it is 'Yehoshua' or 'Yehshua' or 'Yahushua', or 'Yahshua' etc. So when translating the bible into English, they noticed that the Greek speaking Jews who wrote the bible went far off in using 'Iésous' to refer to 'Yehoshua' but opted to correct it only in the case of the Old Testament 'Joshua' but not for New Testament 'Jesus'. In the latter, they chose to go even further off! This creats an illusion that Jesus had a name unlike any other name, and perhaps this is what they intended! Thus no one, for instance, calls himself 'Jesus' thinking that it is divine name but anyone can call himself 'Joshua', yet that was the real supposed 'divine' name! 'Jesus' is nothing but an horrendous mis-pronunciation of 'Joshua', which is, in turn, a mispronounced 'Yehoshua'!

So why 'Joshua' or even 'Yeshua' instead of 'Yehoshua'? The answer comes from the fooly of Jews. Jews came to develop superstitious beliefs against usage of their God's name. Notice that Yeho-shua is a short form of Yehovah-shua, which means 'yehovah saves'. Yeshua on the other hand just means 'salvation'. So replacing 'Yehoshua' with 'Yeshua' is not a small deal! By the 'don't mension God' superstition, Jews unwittingly ceased honouring their God in their names as were intended! How can you possibly 'praise Yahweh' in the hears of men, as the bible commands, if you are never allowed to even mension Yahweh? You will end up praising other Gods such as Seuz, kah etc, and this is what Jews does unwittingly. Instead of saying 'Hallelu-jah', they say 'Hallelu-kah'. So they cease praising Jah, thanks to the superstition! I will come back to critique this Jewish superstition. But lets first exermine the possible link between 'Iesous' and 'seuz'.

It is noted that the idea of 'God-man' was too abominable for Jews. On the other hand, this was the normal belief amongst Greeks. So could it be the case that the whole story of Jesus was more of Greek in origin than Jewish? It is said that the story of the real guy from Galilee, named 'Yehoshua' was not like that of a 'God-man' of any sort. It was a story of an ordinary man, hence he had just an ordinary, Hebrew name. This guy just wanted to remove the Romans off the Palestine by the help of Yahweh just as Joshua did. So this name 'Yeho-shua' would not be a coincidence. At around that time, such carnal 'Messiahs' were very common among the Jews.

Note, however, that it is reasonable to suppose that Yahushua was unique kind of 'Messiah' in that he was more spiritually oriented, than a militant one. Like the OT Yehoshua, this NT one expected Yahweh to perform a series of miracles to expell the Romans off the Palestine. He did not try to create a military to do that. Or in different words, he was more like the OT Yehoshua than the David-like militant one that, many Jews thought the real 'Messiah' would be.

It is the story of such 'Messiah miraculous triumph' that the Greeks created a 'God-man' myth around! So the story of 'Jesus', in this sense, is a Greek myth that is superimposed on a real history of a real man from Galilee. So the Greek story is an exaggeration. The Greeks then might have heard of the story of ancient Yehoshua who performed miracles such as collapsing the walls of Jericho. At then there was a fear of Yahweh throughout middle east. It was said that unlike other gods, Yahweh works from 'heavens and earth'. This might have led Greeks to think of their God 'Zeus'. Might this be the sky God 'Zeus' working amongst Jews? They might have wondered. If Seuz was secretly working amongst Jews, then it might as well be the case that Yehoshua was his son! (The idea that God has sons incarnate on earth was common amongst greeks). So to Greeks, it might have made sense to say that Jews did not pronounce Zeus's son properly and so called him 'Yehoshua' instead of a more Zeuz-like name: 'Ié-sous', which is perhaps 'son of Zeus'! Remember that Greeks, during the time of Antiochus Ephiphane placed the statue of Zeus in Jewish temple and tried to force Jews to offer sacrifices to him. So indeed Greeks seemed to entertain the idea that Jews do worship Zeus unwittingly!

Now lets come back to the ridiculous Jewish superstition. Consider this verse:

Isaiah 12:4 ►

New International Version

" that day you will say: “Give praise to the LORD, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done, and proclaim that his name is exalted."

It is clear that Jews were instructed to proclaim the name of Yahweh amongst nations, and never to mension the names of other gods. But they did the opposite! Where did they get the teaching that 'Yahweh is un-mentionable'? By this superstition, as you have seen, they ended up uttering the names of other gods as they were too eager to subtitude 'Yahweh' with anything that sounds like 'god' even in their scriptures, all while other nations were too eager to proclaim their gods amongst the Jews! Eventually 'Yahweh' disappeared all together, becoming more like a tribal god than the God of all the earth! How could he be known without being mentioned?

In such verses as in Isaiah, a Jewish advocate of the devil may now say that Yahweh is actually asking them to proclaim his PERSONALITY amongst the nations, and not his NAME! Seems to make senss now!! But the verse that they misuse in order to falsely say they are forbidden from mentioning Yahweh comes from the second commandment: 'though shall not misuse my name'. Here, 'my name' would even fit more as 'my personality', but they arbitrarily choose when 'name' means just 'name' and when 'name' means 'person'! In effect, they wind up with an absurdity! According to this reasoning, Saying 'cursed is the God of Abraham' does not constitude 'misuse of Yahweh's name' since the exodus commandment does not riffer to the PERSON but to the NAME and saying 'Praise to Jehovah Jire' amongst Gentiles is actually a 'misuse of Jehovah' because the Isaiah verse riffers to PERSON and not to NAME! Make sense?

By this silliness, Jews donnot honnor Yahweh! It is O.K. if they do things that leads to Gentiles cursing their God, as long as they don't mension the name, yet they say it is the PERSON that must be honored, not the name! To honnor God, they think, is to say 'kah' and write G-d, say Adonai etc all while BEHAVING in a manner that is not worth a person named after Yahweh!!

From the superstition came the idea that YHWH's pronunciation is 'difficult'. However, it may sound Yahoweh, or Yehowah or Yahoveh or Yehovah. They are all equivalent in that Y comes from 'Yiyeh', H comes from 'Hahyah' and w/v comes from hoVah. So in the words Yiyeh, Hovah and Hahyah, we have 'yehovah' and 'yahoveh'. Since Yiyeh, Hovah and Hahyah means I was, I am and I will be respectively, then saying Yehovah or Yahoveh is a matter of the sequence you choose, which doesn't count as it is just a list.

Also as you can note the 'I was, I am and I will be' meanings that are important, and not the soundings! By overemphasizing on the sounding of YHWH, they Jews in effect insinuate that their language is, unlike others, of divine origin! This teaching is not Biblical! You can try to say 'I am' etc
in any language, and you mean the same! What 'God' is cannot boil down to an 'unatterable' sound somehow uttered by 7 or so Jewish 'gurus' once in a year at the day of 'Yom Kipur'. What nonsense!!




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  • Interesting! It seems that the evolution of religion proceeds from polytheism then to monotheism and then to pantheism. But during all these periods, there are always polytheists, monotheists and pantheists, only that they vary in numbers. During early BCs, polytheism dominated. Then during late BCs, monotheism took over, beginning by 'dictator-like' Gods. Then the 'Dictator Gods' paved way to Christian/muslim-like more 'Loving Gods'. So the comming of Jesus was a twilight zone in history. Finally, what you term it as 'replacement of God' alltogether, so I think, is a move into pan-theism. Here, 'everything is divine' in some sense. So there is no one God 'up there'. Again Jesus is in the twilight zone where 'the kingdom of God is in the midist' and 'God exists everywhere but invisibly'.

    The evolution of religion closely resembles those of governments. First we have numerous 'chief doms' or 'fiefdoms' ruled by 'warlords' etc. So in this model, there are 'many kings' in the land . Then we move into kingdoms where 'there is only one, often cruel king' in 'the whole land'. Then the cruel, Tyrannical kings paves way to a more humane ones who succeds to rule huge swaths of lands such as empires or countrues. Finally, humans will tend to distrust the idea of governance all together, and we tend to move to an 'everyone is a king' in some way. How we think about God influences how we think about governance and also how we think about governance influences how we think about God.
  • There is only one "god" or Logos, for this planet Earth...Lord Yahweh.....That is correct...The great being who ensouls the planet....The concept of "sons" is akin to apprentices in training...As in ancient times and even modern, many successors would be sons...
    This does apply to Logoi, as they (planets and suns) possess teams of kumaras, or buddhas, who are being trained for the same role...Everyone has heard of the Buddha....In truth he is but one of a team of six...The Buddha of activity, as his role pertains to humanity's evolution, as he trains to be a full Logos...So there are other buddhas working on other aspects of planetary life and development...
    In medieval Europe, the Knights Templar referred to the Planetary Logos as "Rex Mundi," or "King of the world." And of course, if there is a King, then of course there must be a Prince, or heir to the throne...That would be the logic of such a supposition....Strict Jews and Moslems may not like it, but spiritual evolution of forms through matter does require successors to important roles, eventually replace a "God" or "King" in their service...Time scales are huge, but even solar systems ultimately die and have to change.....
    In the case of Jesus/Yeshua, we can suggest that the "father" he pleaded with, upon the cross, was not Lord Yahweh, but rather the Christ, Lord Maitreya, who is head of the spiritual Hierarchy...Christ being a title, rather than a name...
  • The original Jewish dream was to ultimately rule the whole world! This is expressed in such chapters as Zechariah:14. In the future 'Jewish golden age', Palestine would become the center of the world! People all over the world would bring all manner of stuffs to Jerusalem making the whole city like one huge temple. The city will flow with treasures of all manner and Jerusalemites will grow wealthy! All they needed to do is 'proclaim Yahweh amongst nations'.

    But this dream failed miserably! Muslims would latter partially achieve such a goal through 'proclamation of Allah'. But Judaism, far from spreading worldwide, it imploded into Jerusalem, becoming a strictly 'village religion' practiced in 'synagogues of satan'!

    Where did Jews went wrong? The answer is that though Yahweh is supposed to be 'God of all the earth', it is presented to the pple of the world as a tribal god! Judaism looks pretty like a religion in the twilight of polytheism and monotheism when deities are contesting in a zero sum game of 'who will be the one God worshipoed in the new comming monotheistic religion'. In other words Judaism failed to grow out from BCs type 'tribal gods' while still trying to have a worldwide outlook of a modern religion. It can't work!

    But take a look at Islam. Saying la ilahi ila Allah, is simply saying 'there is no Gods but God'. In other words 'We don't have gods, we have only God'. It is not like there is a secret 'name of God' known only to a select clique that has mustered Arabic, as if the true God is an Arab!

    By this, Arabs effortlessly succeeded in what Jews only at best dreamt of. They removed Romans throughout the middle east, conguerd the whole Arabia, North Africa, Europe, Iraq, Iran etc. Islam became a world-wide religion and pple all over the world now visited Macca yearly to take offerings etc there in the famous hajj pilgrimage. So the dream Jews had in Zechariah 14 was achievable, after all! Arab achieved it but in Mecca, not Jerusalem. Meanwhile Jerusalem became a heep of rubbles! Upto now, the Jews donnot even control it!
  • Definitely, there was Greek influence in Judaism, dating from Hellenistic period. During this time, is when Jews translated the bible into Greek, forming the so called Septuagint. Slowly by slowly, the Jews got accustomed with the idea of 'the son of God', which was otherwise abominable in the strictly monotheistic Judaism. Also, the idea of 'Sons of God' as 'the saviours of men in the midst of men' might be Greek in origin. This might have influenced the 'Jewish -Greeks' (or 'hellenised Jews') pronunciation of 'Yehoshua' as 'Iesous', phonetically linking the 'saviour' with 'the son of Zeus'.

    One also might say that the idea of Yahushua as 'the son of God' might have been deliberately created by the early disciples of Yahushua to attract the Greeks into the new 'messianic sect', having failed to convince their fellows Jews. So they had to make 'messianism' more and more Greek-like than Jews-like. A question 'Who is Yahushua' as asked by a Greek, would be answered better by 'he is the Son of God' than by 'he is the Messiah'. So the 'Son of God' lable would sell better amongst the Greeks.
  • Of course, many of the early Christians were Greeks, so they had a great impact on what became a religion...The time of Jesus marked the beginning of the Age of Pisces.....So they used a fish symbol, called, in Greek; "Ichthys." It was later claimed that this is an abbreviation of "Jesus Christ God's Son is Saviour." But I tend to think not...It smacks of church simple thinking and dogma. The fish of the constellation of Pisces is more relevant to those early members of the sect...Early civilizations understood the spiritual impact of zodiacal ages, marked upon the vernal equinoxes..
    However I'll link the story of the Ichthys...
    jesus fish symbol - Search
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