Yantras alone are not enough.
They must be used with Mantras, energizing sound vibrations- otherwise they are empty shells.
They are oriented according to direction--the Bhupura which are the ten gates of direction- includes up and down.
They have Karmas useful purposes and can used for good or even ill.
Best to understand how they are used - and use them for good and peaceful purposes.
Don't forget they have their Karmas and if used for evil- the evil will come back in equal measure upon the sender.
A fire can warm a cold room and light a stove to cook food and also destroy a forest - a house- and also hurt.To everything there is a purpose good and bad-- this is Karma -- actions lead to results--good actions bring good things and bad actions cause devastation.
Understand ths before you play with mysterious things!
The devas -esoteric intelligences- who one attempts to contact- are playful and mischievious- and do not like to be abused.
Think more than twice before you offend them-- they play in the big leagues and can send fast balls and curves balls to teach you surprising things.
As they are millions of devis-feminine and devas-masculine the Yantra is a type of telephone-- a true "smart phone".
The mantra is their number- and must be correctly dialed--this means to get their mantra it can't simply be read from a book!
It has to be transmitted in a lineage from a person who has actually heard the true mantra.
You ube is filled with people chanting mantras and some make better contact than others.
How can one tell who actually is saying a real mantra-- a true sound vibration?
This is is deep question- it must be experienced by contact. First of all its bad luck to deal with money in spiritual things.
Mantras and the sounds are a gift transmitted by word of mouth.In Judiasim this is called the unwritten Kaballa.
The shakti power- spiritual energy-is contained within the tone and the purity of the sound vibration.This is esoteric and often neglected in western education.It is not a spit back mundane noise that is a rote memory. It is a tone that rings true beyond the words.
The first being one needs to connect to is Ganesha- who resides in the root chakra at the base of the Kundalini energy- the serpent power.

Ganesha is the first step beyond the rational material mind and resides at the doorway to protect the next level of dimension.
He is the son of Shiva and the protector of the divine Goddess-- the divine mother.