"At times it feels a little overwhelming to see just what it takes to ascend, and part of me doubts that I am able to do it. But, I also know that all I can do is throw myself into it. Do I have what it takes? Am I far enough along the path to do the work I need to do to ascend? Is there enough time? Is there a doing to be done as the whole thing unravels before our eyes? And then there are the Islands in the Storm, right here in 3D. Living on the West Coast of Canada, 2 miles from the Pacific Ocean delivering its 'gifts' from Fukushima, is there hope that an apple seed can be planted today and thrive tomorrow? Is this "labouring in the illusion"
Open? Yes, I hear the calling of your soul. This, in itself, is the inspirational yearning that precipitates Ascension. Anyone can ascend. Everyone is seeded to ascend. It's just that the majority have been blinded to this natural path of the divine. They simply don't want to. But if you're moved to be asking these very questions, if you're reading this thread, if you were drawn to the Divinicus Work, then yes, you have what it takes and you are ready.... ready to begin the journey.
There then comes a point where most people are kind of half in and half out...they dip their toes in for a while, but still place their reliance on the matrix. In time, I believe this group of people will see enough mirrors for them to dive 'all in' at some point - the old reality will bend, warp and unravel, just as it is beginning to now.
So what can you do? Keep watching for that 'all-in' feeling. Keep exploring, testing, questioning. Jump into the deep end of your own self realisation (go sit against that tree and don't move until you can feel the fullness of yourself).
Let the stream carry you. Switch from trying to fix 'out there' (you can't fix it!) Instead, feel your internal reactions to 'out there'. These are the gems, the places we get stuck, because your pain is where the light enters. Go deeply into these resistances.
Ask... "What is it I think I need in this situation? Why can't I accept reality as it is? Where am I being less than the One?" Let go. Unravel internally. Feel your expansion. Feel your soul expand and soar. Watch for the supportive universal hand of synchronicity.
Keep doing it. Keep doing it. Now, and always. Because... Actually... There is nothing else going on anyway!