You all have a choice, do you want to be lied to and disillusioned, or do you want the truth. I don’t blame you for believing all the fanciful stories on this site, living on this planet isn’t easy. You can’t be blamed for wanting things to change so dramatically and quickly. In the end though, the truth is what you will be left with. This does not mean it will necessarily be a bad one; the truth can be wonderful if you wish it to be.
You all were sent here with a mission contract. These missions vary in method, but they all can be put in a general term; raise the vibration and energy of planet Earth. That much is obvious. But where the ‘truth’ comes in concerns the GFL.
They aren’t coming anytime soon. They would like to, but they cannot. If you look at it practically it will make sense.
The scenario put forth generally is that they will come down and make the bad people go away themselves. Think about it, doesn’t that go against free will and independence? Wouldn’t they then be inflicting their own ideals and rules upon us? They can’t do that, it violates spiritual law. Even if we asked, we have no right to do so. What gives us the right to decide the future of this planet? On a side note you aren’t even originally from this planet, so you ‘voting’ sounds too much like inserting moles into an organisation, the organisation being Earth.
The governments are still the same. You may not think of them as your leaders, but technically they are in charge, you have no real say in the matter, barring a revolution, and the GFL don’t enjoy being the catalyst for civil wars. They are the ones in control, therefore the ones the GFL would have to do with. And do you think they want to deal with those assholes. First questions out of the G8’s mouth would be what kind of guns do you guys have, and can we have some. With the way politicians try and cling to power the only logical conclusion is a war. Which brings me back to my original point, the GFL wouldn’t inflict their own ideals and principles.
The corrupt governments and bankers are still in control. There may have been a few arrests, but no more than usual. They’re still there. We don’t need mass arrests. That is pointless. They will just end up being replaced within a week. You would have to arrest all people involved in banking and investment for arrests to work, which is a ridiculous idea. What we need a dismantling of the entire system. But replace it with what? Exactly. Don’t say love and sharing. People have very different ideas of what those mean.
Only when the people of Earth are in a good place and growing (opposite of what is happening generally now) would the GFL make any kind of contact.
This message may make you feel despondent, so you may choose to ignore it, but this is not a message of negativity. It is a message of growth. Don’t believe the lies these people peddle. Free yourself. The GFL is here to help, but not in the way they say. There are ships over our skies, but they aren’t here to whip us away. They are here to guide us to a better Earth. All you have to do is ask for their help, and that way we can change this planet with their inspiration and help.
You can believe the stories, but I choose to live a place where we make the change, not some alien from a distant galaxy. It makes more sense.
Thank you for sharing. I never said they weren't here, I know they are. I'm in contact a fair bit. The point I was trying to make is that they are not coming in the way that so many people believe they are. They are taking someone elses word for it, without questioning the credibility of their sources. They believe in them, as opposed to believing in what I am saying because what they are saying is far better than what I am. The truth is harsh so people choose to rather believe the fairytale stories instead of dealing with the reality.
On some level they must know that it must be too good to be true
Hi matthias, thanks for sharing.
Maybe some have different ideas of love and sharing, though most everyone has been given a pretty good example of sharing freely and that is your parents.
Even if they had very little funny money paper, they still share freely with their children what they can.
Now as for the replacing it with what, question.
The question should really be, not what is going to replace it, but what ideas (systems) are going to be thrown in the trash, never to see the light of day again.
And that would be everything to do with basic needs of a human and the placing of any conditions whatsoever upon the acquisition of such needs.
That is heart of the issue, when our basic needs are used to make profit or gain control or power in some form, then we have the results that we see in this world.
The simple truth is, all people should really be doing are activities directly related to basic needs, like growing food or plants like hemp to provide food, clothing and materials for shelters, etc.
This should give us a clue as to what is not needed for meeting all humans basic needs.
Another simple truth is, that most people are spending most of their time, energy and labor paying for shelter, rent, etc., this is completely unnecessary, as it is only a form of extortion and control to enrich the banking system, etc..
So with these simple examples, it should be obvious, again the question is not what needs to replace it, these systems were never needed and has only served a relative few and centralized power and control into these same few.
By the way, these so called distant galaxy beings have been here the whole time, so the benevolent ones have been helping in various ways the whole time and they will continue to do so.
If you sincerely claim to want to be the change, then stop supporting these dis-empowering enslavement systems in every way possible, that is being the change.
Otherwise, we can all keep playing this monopoly game and wonder why things stink.
peace love light