You and I are God
Again I’d like to look at some of the elements of spirituality that provide a solid foundation for us to build Nova Earth on.
We listened to terrestrial sages recently on oneness. (1) What is the basis of our oneness? Let’s listen as our galactic and celestial sources tell us what it is.
The basis of our oneness as a human family – and beyond that as a life form! – is the fact that God is all. We, being part of that all, must also be God.
Jesus through John Smallman said in 2014:
“God Is. You are, therefore, an inseparable and essential aspect or part of God, the Source, All That Exists. There is No One else, No Other, because All is One, period.
“No exceptions, no meaningless discussions, no scientific or theological hypotheses are in any way pertinent. They are distractions that draw you away from uncovering, disclosing, or remembering your true and only nature as One with your Source.” (2)
No nonsense there. Put aside the distractions that come from both science and theology, sources that are supposed to help us know the truth. Matthew Ward recently commented, in agreement with Jesus, that “all religious dogma is manmade and was devised to control the masses.” (3)
Ouch! Sounds like we have some digging to do to get ourselves out of a hole that we’ve made for ourselves.
Saul through John reminds us that differences in culture, nationality, etc., don’t affect our fundamental identity as God:
“Remember there is only the One! And you are the One, experiencing individuality, differences of culture, nationality, ethnicity, and creativity, amidst all the sentient beings through which the One expresses Itself. Therefore Be in Joy!” (4)
A corollary of that, the Arcturian Group tells us, is that “you are that which you seek.” (5) They continue:
“It is only the false beliefs of duality and separation accepted into consciousness that form experiences of being less than what each really is. Enlightenment is nothing more than a journey of experiences through many lifetimes that end in finally realizing that “‘I am that I am.’ … That which I have been seeking, I already am – ONE Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent Reality.” (6)
As this knowledge sinks in and our consciousness vibrates at a higher frequency, Matthew Ward tells us, we’ll be able to create what we need:
“Beloved brothers and sisters, as aspects of Creator, the omniscient, omnipotent and eternal I AM Oneness of All, you always have had unlimited potential to manifest whatever you wish. That capability is inherent in the makeup of the soul, and as you continue evolving, you will be able to produce what you now think of as miracles.” (7)
Saul through John invites us to shake off the delusions of our society and come out from behind the masks we assume that deny our inherent goodness and Godness:
“You are One with God from Whom you have never been separated. But, as humans, you have felt an intense need to hide that nature because it seems that you are enveloped in an environment that does not and cannot recognize it, an environment that constantly offers threats and fear. …
“Because you have the courage to drop your egoic masks and be yourselves in the company of anyone at all, others then find that they, too, can indeed be themselves, and so the collective awakening unfolds. …
“Come out from your hiding places behind the flimsy masks you have made and be seen as the divine and wondrous loving beings that you truly are.” (8)
As the Ascension frequencies rise, we feel more and more indications that what our sources say is true. On occasion we have experiences of our Higher Self or our identity as love incarnate. Ultimately we realize the truth that you and I are God.
(1) “Oneness: The Foundation for Building Nova Earth,” November 24, 2019, at
(2) “Jesus through John: There is only NOW!” November 17, 2019, reposted from 2014, at
(3) “Matthew’s Message for Nov. 15, 2019,” November 15, 2019, at
(4) Saul through John Smallman, Dec. 19, 2018, at
(5) “Arcturian Group Message through Marilyn Raffaele, 1/14/18,” January 14, 2018, at
(6) Arcturian Group, ibid., March 12, 2017.
(7) Matthew’s Message, ibid., Aug. 19, 2016.
(8) “Saul: Be Love by Living Lovingly Regardless of What Arises,” Channeled by John Smallman, ibid., May 15, 2016.