I was jogging tonight, making that extra effort to cross my own threshold…breathing…monitoring my heartbeat… I am running along a street, flanked by trees, no buildings, leading up to the beach, that I can see 200 m ahead...
Suddenly, I hear the call: “Senator Palpatine”. If you know your Star Wars characters, you know that Senator Palpatine was the leader of the Republic, the “Galactic Federation”. So, I got the metaphor I could understand.
I recognized the call, the Galactic call, as given to me in my inner communication in February 2010:
“You are a ProtoStellar Being, from the ProtoStar of the Galaxy”
“You are one of the Four Archangels”
Synchronistically, on my Ipod I was listening to the song: “California Dreaming” and the intro, in that precise, right moment:
“Hold me, my sweet … Hold me, love… Hold me, god
And I shout… The sound for the soul… A portal
I travel through time… All my senses burn
The portal can learn…The portal can burn
Hold me… Hold me… Hold me...”
In that moment a million chills of Light downloaded on me, my field was ablaze withPresence, and coming in through my Crown chakra what felt like incredibly high-vibrating sparks of refined living Light… all my body flares with the energy… I keep running and getting the immense amount of energy… the song goes on… I feel alive… I feel exhilaration… I breathe it in…yes! come in!… I AM!
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"NBC has really been working overtime protecting their Deep State masters keeping this video tape hidden for all these decades. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJGQv7qvIcE"
"NBC has really been working overtime protecting their Deep State masters keeping this video tape hidden for all these decades. https://youtu.be/qJGQv7qvIcE?si=7hhIWYoy04_sneuk"
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