Greetings! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj!
You are not watching a movie. You are watching the collapse of the Third Dimensional matrix in real time.
You are watching the dark becoming more desperate each day, with this comes more chaos, and they will not stop. The Third Dimensional matrix is their domain. You are not going to stop the destruction. You only have one option, learn to transcend it, and shift with the Earth into a new realm.
The dark will continue with attempts to block the sun and lessen its positive effects. They will continue to spray toxins in the skies and infect people. They are already destroying the economy. Each day they come up with new ways to limit your freedoms. And they will have it their way, for as we stated the Third Dimensional matrix is their domain, and the vast majority of humanity runs on autopilot mode. The only way out of this, is to leave it all behind.
In a country like America, they stole the elections, placed who they wanted in office, they ousted the rightful winner, and no one could do anything about it. Now everyone is in waiting mode, for elections, for a miracle, for one man to return and save everyone. Failing to understand that the old timelines of what has been called normal(work, sleep, repeat) are coming to an end.
Humanity is going to manifest that which it fears most. An economic collapse, and disease. That is only the beginning.
It is time to accept that this is how things are in a low vibrational world. And then shift your focus, rise in frequency, you will shift into another reality with the Earth and many others who have chosen the higher timelines.
In this shift you are going through a rebirth. With this rebirth comes a new mind, new body, new level of awareness, and a whole new reality. All of these changes must occur and be felt within prior to be seen and manifested in the outer world. Now is the time to realize that all of the above are in your energy field, in your DNA. Breathe, feel, commit to the shift, and see yourself morph into your Fifth Dimensional Self. ~Kejraj
All the things you have said, every action taken, is stored within your DNA. Unless you face your own darkness, you will be unable to see the greater picture of what is transpiring on Earth, remaining in fear, preventing yourself from rising in frequency, as you hope for some savior to come along and make everything alright again. ~Kejraj
The ingredients within the chemtrail, which they hoped would deflect cosmic rays, were aluminium and barium salts, delivered as a micro-chaff aerosol spray.....
Their main objective was to deflect cosmic rays, in a similar way that aluminium chaff deflected radar, during WW2...Called "Window" by the British and "Düppel" by the second world war German Luftwaffe....
This 1980s version of chaff is a much finer aerosol and we see it sprayed at high altitudes, specifically to block cosmic rays....
Cosmic rays can be deflected, when aluminium sheeting is placed over hulls, containing sensitive electronic components, within satellites, etc....
However, the whole program has failed to stunt humanity evolving...