Greetings friends! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj.
The transition of planets and their inhabitants to higher planes of existence is a natural process of true evolution, and there is no need to fear any of it, for in reality you are returning home.
With this shift also come events, which would appear to most as catastrophic and heartbreaking collapses, however, again, this is natural, for only that which was not built and brought about with light love is to be dissolved.
You are not losing anything that the soul needs for further expansion, you may only release what no longer serves your highest purpose, and what is not in alignment with the heart’s desires.
The return to your natural state of being that is love, has been thousands of years in the making. And now you are readying to close the final chapter of your journey in the rigid physical planes, and emerge as a crystalline being in the spiritual realms of light.,,All the Light to You!
This current lifetime you have chosen to be the lifetime of healing, and greater knowing and understanding of yourself and the world. On a Soul level you have made the decision that this is the time where you bid farewell to the Third Dimensional realm, and return to your rightful place with your star families, in the realms of divine light. ~Kejraj