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Order of The Star Is A Community, A Mandala of 144,000 Star Angelic Beings of The First, Second and Third Initiation That Have Incarnated on This Planet With The Purpose of Occult Triangulation of Light and darkness. Members of the Order of the Star Have Been Influencing The World Situation Based On Telepathic Guidance From The Brotherhood of The Star.
Brotherhood of The Star is a Planetary Outpost of The Blue Lodge of Sirius That is Connected with Sirius via Jupiter and Jupiter Command. The Purpose of the Brotherhood of The Star is to Guide The Evolution of the Planet Under The Guidance of Sanat Kumara. The Inner Circle of The Brotherhood of the Star are Masters and Arhats That Have Reached Their Ascension on This Planet. The Outer Circle of The Brotherhood of the Star is The Esoteric Brotherhood Comprised of Disciples of The Ascended Masters That Have Reached The Seventh Sub-Degree of The Third Initiation.
16,000 Years Ago There Was a Task Force Created Called The Order of The Star. 144,000 Beings-Volunteers Came Forth To Earth To Heal Separation and Integrate The darkness into The Light. The Brotherhood of The Star And SisterHood of The Rose and Order of The Star Have Been Re-Incarnating Wherever They can Assist and are Represented by Figures Such as Ascended Masters like Buddha, Christ, Jesus, Saint Germain, The Postive Templars, Light Workers, Light Warriors, Star Seeds And ANGELS.
When We Liberate The Planet, We Will Enter Into The 3rd Atlantis, A Paradise Utopian On Earth. We Will Then Create A New Atlantis With Cities of Light and Islands of Light with Advanced Technologies. The New Atlantis Will Arrive Around after The Event and The Time of First Contact. Order of The Star Was Formed in Atlantis, We are Here to Transform All darkness and Heal Humanity and Earth.
We Are The 144,000 Angelic Beings of Light. We Are Here to Assist With The Event and Heal Humanity. Earth and the Inhabitants Have Been In 26,000 Years of Imprisonment and Quarantine because of The Occupation of The darkness. Our Planet is the Last One in The Galaxy To Be Liberated. This Exit is The EVENT HORIZON, or THE EVENT. THE EVENT Will Be a Moment of Breakthrough For The Planet Which Will Be Physical and Non Physical.
There will be a Big Need for Healing After “The Event.” The Galactic Confederation Has The Holy Grail. The Location of The Holy Grail is Undisclosed. This Chalice Was Made of 144,000 Facets of Polished Moldavite. It Activates The 144,000 Light Beings. Each Facet Contains A Code For a Star Seed and When The Light Hits The Facet, The Star Seed is Activated. The 144,000 is A Complex Mandala, and Each Person Will Have Their Own Role in The Liberation of The Planet.
The Golden Age Is NOW.
Artist: unknown

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