Photo: Archangel Michael Planetary Influx of Energies will reveal greater light within you Today we feel it is advisable for you to take some time for yourselves to accept and integrate the huge amounts of information that has recently been beamed into your energy bodies, and into your cells, as well. We know that very few of you are consciously aware of what you have received. That is alright. It is in the nature of potential, in any case. For a short time, close your eyes and center yourselves in your hearts. Intend that you accept and thank your Creator for these gifts and wish them integrated with your being as you release more of the things which do not resonate with the future selves you desire. Breathe the best and highest YOU into yourself, and breathe the other out. It is not necessary to make it a long process, unless you enjoy it. You may get a visual or feeling of a color, such as our gold and blue, or rose and green, violet, etc. If you do, breathe that in and absorb it, also. Our attention is drawn to the intense and growing feeling that almost everyone has now of an impending happening which they ‘cannot put a finger on’. We will address that in two ways. First, you are correct. This feeling is right on target. Except that, in a sense, that happening is what you are already in the middle of. Many can feel it happening inside themselves and are beginning to see changes in their lives to give evidence of it. Most, however, are wondering what sort of catastrophe is just around the corner. Your peaceful and calm demeanor will go a long way to diffusing this dread they are feeling. Second, yes, there is an event of significant proportion approaching. It is, my friends, an internal event which will change everything for everybody and everything. But we would caution you in this way. When a similar event occurred at the end of your ‘Dark Ages’, the event itself passed without remark. Yet, everything changed, did it not? Now, there will be many, many observable events manifesting over the next while in your time. But, as we have said over and over for these months, they are but the reflection of yourselves. We always, always stress that. It is important for you and for your world that you begin to recognize yourselves as the change makers, not any longer as the victims of change. Look within yourselves and begin to find the divine beings that you are. Never before in the history of your world has it been as sure for this to be accomplished by you. And every tiny step taken in this direction is having wondrous effects upon your world. We are overjoyed with what we see you accomplishing. We stand in the doorway of your heart waiting to greet you. We offer evidence daily of our presence. Peace and love be yours until next we speak. I AM Archangel Michael and so it is
The emergence of love is one of the greatest topics for those following a spiritual awakening and ascension process upon the
Earth; this is because it is the greatest topic and key focus upon the inner planes. Never on the inner planes and within the
heavens of the Angelic Kingdom have we experienced so many love vibrations; different and diverse love vibrations. Neither
have we had such a wealth of love given to us by the Creator to share with other aspects of the Creator. We truly know that
ascension is moving forward and manifesting with great wealth because never before have we been bombarded with so much
love, for us on the inner planes it is somewhat overwhelming, inspirational and awe inspiring.  We on the inner planes are
opening our energies up to receive the Creator, we are being asked to act as channels to transmit through our own energy the
light, love and consciousness of the Creator therefore aiding embodiment on numerous levels of the Creator’s love. Ascension
and unity with the Creator is truly taking place as we are viewing tremendous shifts not fully experienced before.
The emergence of love is the key recognition and experience which allows us all to perceive our greater unity with the Creator.
We can only say that the emergence of love is a powerful process which is now impacting your reality and being with great
strength. Allow yourself daily during this magnificent process to perceive the strength and presence of love, with this
awareness you will tap into the extreme and magnificence process of emergence of love that is occurring; you will then notice
the world within and around you altering and shifting. Many souls are describing this process in numerous ways which fits the
perception and perspective of their reality, you may also perceive the emergence of love in a unique way for you which will
allow a beautiful and diverse awakening of the Creator.
As we on the inner planes are acting as channels and instruments of the Creator’s vibration and emergence of love into other
aspects of the Creator, such as yourself and the Earth. You are acting as a channel and instrument of the Creator’s vibration
and emergence of love for all aspects, layers, levels and dimensions of the Earth. Do you recognise the role you are playing in
this supreme emergence of love? You are a connecting energy, a transmitter and an anchor of the many faces, vibrations and
emergence of love. Without love flowing through and from your being the Earth and Mother Earth will not truly receive the love
of the Creator, similar to not receiving the necessary nutrients to aid growth and healing. Without your collection and
transmission of the present love vibrations the Earth will not be able to achieve a very powerful awakening process which will
boost the entire energetic vibration of light, love and truth within the entire universe of the Creator. As we on the inner planes
anchor the love of the Creator we stabilise it at a vibration which is easier for you to accept and absorb. With your acceptance
of the stabilised love vibration you are able to stabilise the same energy in order for Mother Earth and all that is the active
vibration of the Creator upon and within the Earth to accept the emergence of love. As all that is within and upon the Earth
accepts love, the new and present era vibration of love will stabilise within the core of all that is Mother Earth creating at an
appropriate time a emanation of a love so powerful and pure to be transmitted from the core of all that is Mother Earth sent as
a wave of love back through the universe of the Creator to all that have participated and linked their energy together to create
such a process. Every soul will receive a new vibration of love, a love that is so unimaginable but is available and you are
ready to receive. This will make a deeper consciousness of unity and an awakening of love so pure it will shake the very cells
of your being and every soul into a higher purer perspective of themselves and the Creator.
With this sharing we hope you can recognise and realise why anchoring love through your being into the Earth, your reality and
all that you are is immensely important and vital at this time. You may wish to affirm:
‘Beloved Creator, let me be an instrument, channel and anchor of your love. Let me share and support the beautiful
emergence of love occurring to benefit all aspects of the Creator. I know that in order to truly be present in the emergence of
love and to support all that is occurring now within this most beautiful ascension process, I must first recognise and purify the
love of my being, the love that you the Creator choose to shine so magnificently through my being. Let me truly fall in love with
the love you choose to share through my being with a clear and truthful perspective of understanding. Please Creator, I ask
that in return you support my physical body in remaining healthy and strong throughout this process. I am here now upon the
Earth and I choose to accept and stand as my divine purpose in this moment. Let it be so.’
To be a channel, anchor and instrument of the emergence of love there is a need for love to be present within every aspect of
your being, in order for this to occur you may experience tremendous shifts and movement of energy within your being which
will act as a powerful purification.
Now is the time for the purification for love! You have the role of share a supreme love with the Earth, so heavenly and divine,
as a transmitter the pure love must first create within you the same so by simply inhaling this love it will create a reaction,
healing and purification process within your being and reality. This will occur only because your soul has consented and you
are ready for it. It is our energy, Archangel Raphael and Archangel Zadkiel you can call upon to be of service to you. Love will
flow through you like a whirlwind and could in some cases seem aggressive in its impact upon your being but with our support
we can reduce the impact of this supreme love allowing for an easier transition. I, Archangel Raphael will support healing
especially at an emotional and physical body level moving everything into a state of alignment with love. I, Archangel Zadkiel
will support you in accepting transformation and shifts with ease, supporting your acceptance of the changes and the
manifestation outcomes. Please call upon us to be of service to you, we will stand either side of you and merge our energies
fully with yourself creating a trinity of light and then a whole oneness of light. We will then work with you so closely and deeply,
calming and soothing your energy while offering the necessary strength you require.
We are and will be truly assisting in the emergence of love within your being, especially your soul. Your soul has streams of
light, within these streams of light there are diverse energetic coding of love, akin to strands of DNA. New stands of love are
now awakening within your soul which have never before been merged or embodied with a human and physical form; it is a
great indication of evolution on the Earth. As strands of love awaken from your soul they will merge with the stands of DNA
within your own physical body, your physical body will literality sing and hold the vibration of higher supreme and divine love
emerging from your soul. The Angelic love is extremely present within the stands of love emerging. To fully embody the Angelic
love upon the Earth will be a powerful transformation and shift in the evolution and experience of souls in human forms upon
the Earth.
Process of grounding yourself and your energies are essential now. Grounding is a form and process that aids embodiment.
The divine energies within your being are truly emerging now and so grounding yourself often is akin to anchoring,
acknowledging and embodying each shift, emergence and awakening within you, thus creating balance and ease of
awakening. We invite you to call upon Archangel Sandalphon to assist and be of service in your grounding process.  Each
morning you may ask Archangel Sandalphon:
‘Beloved Archangel Sandalphon, please ground my energies to aid embodiment, balance and a greater acknowledgment of
my love if appropriate five times during my day. I give to you the permission to access my energies and recognise whether
more or less grounding is needed. Thank you.’
We are here to be of support and service to you,
Archangel Raphael and Archangel Zadkiel
(The word Channel means and signifies a being expressing the Creator.)
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