I don´t think anyone gets to go to Hell. I think that when people consider themselves going to Hell they think they´re going someplace else than their current concept of Heaven.
The Kingdom of Heaven is whatever you make of it - I think that´s the official stance here on the Kingdom of Heaven and I agree with that.
The place thus called Hell´d simply be the place you identify with on your own terms as a Hell.
I´ve heard about people having made their whole lives into living hells because they simply refused to understand this.
In the face of an overwhelming , economical crisis , it makes absolute , perfect sense to talk a little about Hell.
I think thus that the only ´real´Hells that exist out there are those people make.
For themselves and the ones they want to or try to send them to these places.
I think no concept has explained Hell better than the game Silent Hill.
Before Silent Hill there was of course Ruth Montgomery and Emmanuel Swedenborg.
Now we´ve got the people who produced Silent Hill and showed us once and for all what Hell is all about.
If any of you haven´t tried playing the game I seriously suggest that at least I try any neartime soon and I´ve already tried one of those fantastic , free online versions.
Hell is a very real place only because the people who experience it and it´s experience per ce make it for real.
Beyond that I think most people in Hell haven´t got much of an idea what it´s about.
I was watching the Exorcist III and there were some interdimensional beings there that talked about Hell.
One of them said that there is always a master and another appeared to be afraid of those he called ´the cruel ones´. Then finally one of those entities said ´it´s forbidden to talk about it´, when asked stuff like who this master or that master was and so on.
One of them loved to possess cataconics but couldn´t handle Leutinant Kindermann.
You´re thus not going to Hell - unless you´re already in Hell.
The Kingdom of Heaven is like two people - one kept talking about how he felt life being Heaven like , and that every bread he ate tasted like heaven.
The other talked about how he felt his whole life was a living hell , and he talked about the day all bread is no longer consumed because it´s got wheat in it.
When both were offered bread to consume , the one who lived in the Kingdom of Heaven ate all the bread , and any fruit that was brought to him.
But the other one didn´t eat any of the bread , and worried about the fruit being either too old or not suitable for his taste , and so on , and so he died from hunger.
Hell is spiritual death from spiritual hunger.
The nurse moves the patient on a gurney down the hall ....
The patient, referring to the nurse - "Nurse where are we going?"
Nurse - "We are go to the morgue now".
Patient, frightened - "Nurse, can all still in intensive care?"
Nurse - "The doctor said:" In the morgue", it means the morgue!"