The Q “Map” has been a remarkable tool, and we are urged to read and re-read those missives and apply them to this journey thus far and consider their meaning for the near future. We are not alone, and we are not victims. We’ve got this.
Now you can breathe a sigh of relief because I’m done. I do want to share a fantastic round table update, however, linked by the crew. There is a lot of powerful information there that I believe you will find has an impact on your impression of this mission, where we are, where it’s going, who is who, etc. They don’t give dates and it’s not wise to deal with dates as we have been reminded that this war is not based on time but events. We’re not going to jump to the end of the line. Not happening, folks.
It’s like the dominoes tipping over. It has to be chronological. A domino in the middle of a complex arrangement cannot fall until it neighbour does. The domino at the end remains steadfast until all the other dominoes have been in play. Then—and only then—will we see the end, and I believe it’s a ways off yet, but things are improving and getting very exciting. The Great Awakening is accelerating.
There is a ton of information in this 1 hr. 27 minute discussion on many fascinating topics. I highly recommend it. Charlie Ward has been attacked relentlessly because he was tasked by the White Hats to inform us about the Quantum Financial System. I have always thought him a delightful chap and for those experiencing financial hardship, he tells us that due to the massive amounts of money stolen by the cabal over the years, if we were given what will be coming back to us at two years old, we couldn’t spend it in our lifetime. I believe that paraphrases. He does say, however, that it will be slowly distributed so it doesn’t sabotage Humanity, but it will remove the pain and allow us to live very comfortably without slaving away at jobs as many now do.
Thank you to the loyal crew for your engagement, likes, and great finds. Ciao for now. ~ BP