Your Sunday Digest for March 22, 2020: New Q—Do We Have Your Attention? [videos]by Starship Earth: The Big Picture |
Apparently the fear quotient out there is sufficient that Q broke the silence and delivered a message last night:
Michael at the Patriot Hour (former military) says there will never be martial law in America.
5,500 National Guard Troops In 32 States? Why? [Fed Guard Upgrade]
Some of the material in the videos we share overlaps with other videos, and that's a good thing because there's less likelihood of missing something important. Sometimes there are additional details around the topic, or varying opinions so we wind up with a good "round table" discussion over the course of the week.
World-Wide Military Ops Happening Now! Gene Update. B2T Show Mar 21 (IS)
While the CV-19 White Hat response may not have been planned to unfold quite the way it did, no one can say life isn't interesting. There will be jokes about the Kung Flu and toilet paper for years now. My jaw hit the floor when I saw Nancy Pelosi's earrings, below. Whoever the casting director for this movie was, they deserve a commendation. No, she didn't really wear those... but still.