Zeno's Paradox And Holism

It is not understanding but rather Zeno's like paradoxes that we harvest from the seed of pure reductionism. In the antiguity, a guy expert in what I may term 'Einsteinian assertions' convinced his generation, and a couple of the ones to come that a cheetah, ranning at its top speed, can never overtake any tortoise! Like Einstein, of course he would only conclude that thus world is an illusion. Modern mathematicians amuse themselves that they have solved the riddle through the advent of calculus. However, calculus merely converted the question into an answer! Not that such expressions as phi or even 1/3 is not an answere to any question. Rather, it is unanswerable question. 1(divided by)3=? It is a mathematical kick back card.Here is Zeno's reasoning: lets say a cheetah is chasing a tortoise. At one moment, the tortoise is a head of the cheetah. Lets say it is at point p1. By the time the cheetah arives at point p1, the tortoise would have gone a little bit foward to a new point, p2. By the time the cheetah arives at p2, the tortoise will have gone to a new point, p3,..., it tortoises all the way foward! So the cheetah never gets to even catch up with the tortoise, let alone overtake it! So we must be seeing an illusion or something much worse!Do you spot a problem in Zeno's reasoning? Philosophers think that they have solved it but the only solution is that a whole is greater than the sum of parts! 0.9999999999999999999...is not equal to 1. the left hand side is a vain task of trying to constract a whole thing bit by bit.SPEED IS NOT DISTANCE/TIME!When you were 12 or so, you were introduced with the notion that s=d/t. You might have at first feel an inner refaree fire a tut tut tut but thanks to indoctrinations. It finaly became unquestionable that the wholistic idea of speed is reducable to notions of a tortoise moving along a d axis chasing another beast moving along a time axis.It is this over relying on the mathematical 'speed' that relativist suceeds in obfusicating simple things. By fully analysing speed in terms of distance moved as compared to time taken, they can create any confusion they want. But these relativistic arguments are bunk and its paradoxes are fully on the same par with Zeno's; solvable by discarding the notion that the idea of speed is fully analysable to distance/time taken. A cheetah have a good grip of speed. It knows that to catch a tortoise, it must move faster than it. However, cheetahs don't have clocks, rulers nor do algebra. Speed as d/t is a question and not an answere; d(divided by)t=?However, speed is to distance and time as color green is to blue and yellow. The notion of speed has a wholness that is not reducable to the analysis of distance and time. And so we sweep Zeno's arguments alongside the dirt of s=d/t. He hings on: 'by the time the cheetah is at x,...'. There is no such an x and such a time!! A moving thing is simply moving. It is not in places along some imaginary ruler. Fact is, we develope the notion of speed before we invent a clock. The sound idea is that we need neither ruler, clock nor algebra to tell the following:1.)Cheetah is moving slowlier than the tortoise2.)The cheetah is moving a fast as a tortoise3.)The cheetah is moving faster than the tortoise.All we need is clear our eyes of some 'cobwebs', shake our heads abit and take a strait look at the scenario. Otherwise only expert mathematicians would enjoy a racing competition! The knowledge of speed is fully abstract from the knowledges of distances and time taken.The bunkness of Einstein's relativity is straight foward. Speed is understood as wholistically as distance.If a cheetah is moving faster than a tortoise, and the tortoise is moving faster than the snail, then the cheetah receeds away from the snail faster than it does so away from the tortoise.If I donnot allow Einstein to introduce unbearable complexity of d/t etc, I win instantly! The above statement is just a logical one which must be true for the mathematical numberline to be true. It is IRREFUTABLE!IF X>Y, Y>T, then X-Y is not equal to X-T. Or rather, X-Y=X-T IF AND ONLY IF Y=T. If it can be otherwise, all the algebra they teach since kindagarten flashes down the toilet!A VARIANT OF ZENO'S PARADOX IN MATTERThere is often an attempt to understand flexibility and elasticity by thinking in terms of riggid objects seperated by empty spaces. This is yet another vain attempt rooted in the notion that density=m/v. We arrive at the cousin of Zeno's paradox. Here it goes: if elasticity is due to empty spaces seperating atoms, how do we explain the elasticity of the atoms themselves? Certainly we must go ahead and think of the atoms as to be made of even smaller subatomic particles. Again the tortoise has no bottom! We don't wind up with anything. Rather, elasticity is an inherent property of matter that cannot be understood in terms of anything else. We begine by working with an already existent matter that is single whole. Then we recon that we can keep dividing up the matter for all the eternity. It won't help understand anything! We cannot reduce the matter to sum of its parts.HEISENBERG'S UNCERTAINTY PRINCIPLEWith the above understanding of speed, Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle become quite amusing. Remember that it states:The more certain is the location of an object, the more uncertain is its velocity and vice-versa.This is taken to have been a remarkable discovery of nartuer yet it is an obvious logical fact!! We only need to reinject the sanity lost when mathematicians amused themselves that calculus solves the Zeno's paradox. It doesn't! Zeno was working all along with both certain locations and certain velocities. But from the kindagarten lesson, we know that it is meaningless to talk of location of a moving object. We understand a moving object in terms of many locations. There is no such a thing as an instance.Here is how to understand Heisenberg's principle: subatomic particles are moving incesantly. It makes no sense to talk of be certain about the location of an object unless it remains confine in a certain region for a considerable time during which we can say that the particle is in that region. To do that, we need energy that binds the particle in such region. This energy makes the particle dart faster and with more uncertain velocity. Hence the more certain is the location of a quantum particle, the more uncertain is its velocity. It is arived at through pure reasoning!
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