Zeroing In with Love 💗


Light-being radiating multiple merged soul energies, standing beside an open, circular portal, as reflected in the clouds on February 24th 2021.



Dear Friends,

Phew, before March completely flies away, sending a Light Hug around the world, with Love to all of you! (Since posting this on my site, it's now April, so happy April to you All). 😊😊Each day and week this year, much is subtly shifting and aligning, toward open awareness of the presence of our families and friends from the stars supporting humanity, the planet and all life here through this collective passage. This opening of energies is warm, light and expansive, so present, and always available as and when we attune to the Infinite Love behind all of this Shift and its complexities, flowing through the uplifting frequencies in which the Earth and Solar System ~ and at a larger scale, this Universe ~ is immersed in.

Moment to moment, we always have the opportunity to flow with this realigning Wave, anchoring our love here with the Ascended Earth’s vibrational real-ization and shimmering light, with willing hearts and peaceful minds, attuning from an overview that is self-transcendent. Triangular energies, trinitized energies, have been symbolizing so strong and clear in the planetary field and through our photos the last month, which we’ll come to below…and while feeling into how to write about self-transcendence right now, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs popped into focus, in a ‘new’ way.

Abraham Maslow developed his Hierarchy of Needs concept in the 1940s and it became widely used in the field of behavioural psychology, represented as a triangle or pyramid of ascending levels, with the understanding that when each level was met within an individual, the next above it would develop, starting from basic physical survival needs to the pinnacle of self-actualization, the fulfillment apex of personal growth. This hierarchy has been widely embraced, and ‘self-actualization’ has become foundational in the work of many current thought leaders and spiritual teachers.



Less widely known is that in his later years, Maslow felt this picture was incomplete, and reflection led him to consider another level beyond self-actualization at the top of the pyramid, which he termed ‘self-transcendence’. The impulse of transcendence has been spoken of and aspired to in religious and spiritual pathways for thousands of years, interpreted through each tradition’s belief framework in regard to approaching or becoming One with the Infinite. Before he passed, Maslow started to touch on Oneness as the pinnacle of the journey of self, which he saw as beyond self-actualized creativity or fulfillment, using examples such as a mother feeling completely One with her baby.

From this picture, let’s now imagine the Oneness. Does it actually sit above the triangle? Or is Oneness all around the triangle, encompassing it…and flowing through it, through every zone of life experience, every ‘dimensional bandwidth’, in creation? What we perceive from a duality paradigm as ‘transcendent’ and experience as beyond the triangle ~ Oneness with(in) the Universe, with(in) the Source of all Life, as consciousness within and of the infinite field of the Source, is truly all-encompassing, and non-hierarchical. Self-actualized perspective is represented as ‘I Am’, and self-transcended perspective is simply the ‘Am’…the infinite presence that every focus-point of ‘I Am’ arises within and from. So transcendent presence then, is that Wholeness state of viewing, thinking, feeling and co-creating not as ‘one or the other’, but as the Oneness flowing and focusing through each perceiving-experiencing-creating point of creation…cohesively and coherently. So while the Unity Consciousness that builds harmonious, loving civilizations and worlds can be perceived as the joining as One of many ‘I Am’s’ through the ‘local focus-points’ we’re expressing as in the creational fields, its background and overarching Oneness is a radiance of the Am, the infinitely conscious field of the Source.

From the ‘Am’ state of awareness, hierarchy dissolves. The Am is all around and everywhere, in relation to creational expressions. Concepts of personal growth hierarchies, spiritual hierarchies, angelic hierarchies, and all projected earthly hierachies arise from the ‘I Am’ experiencing itself as separate from the Oneness and interpreting in a ‘top down’ vertical format. But when the ‘I Am’ is known and felt as flowing from the Am state of consiousness, then everything in creation, every experience, every soul expression, is naturally encompassed, attuned with and felt ‘within and all around’…in infinitely expansive energies, to focused energies, to minutely focused energies (whether as a human being, an animal, a plant, a grain of sand, a guardian angel or a fairy, or all at once, and more). So with Maslow’s triangle as pictured above, imagine coming to it from all around, imagine the embrace of the Oneness, the Source, from every ‘corner’ and ‘side’ and from ‘within’…and notice how, when triangulating from the ‘trinity points’ of the corners and sides, that the band in the centre of Maslow’s diagram is Love.

We could draw analogies with the chakra system, with the Love focus-point of the heart chakra in the centre, with three chakras above and three below, or with the Three Centres ~ Star centre, Heart centre, Earth centre ~ with one above and one below, in our ‘vertical human format’, or in Maslows’ triangle, two above and two below. Love is always in the centre, always focusing and flowing through the zero-point, the ‘tiny cave’ within the inner heart, radiating through our beings and beyond, from the within that is also all around, infinitely.

Star Family and the Angelic Realms have brought through some very particular alignments so far this year, to share through photos, showing triangulated activations that send immensely focused Light-waves to the Earth, from macro to micro scale in the creational field. One of the clearest this year was on the night of February 17th (see Cosmic Codes for the significance of the number 17).

While connecting with the stars Sirius and Canopus, a brilliant golden light flashed above them. Star Family have previously described and symbolized Sirius and Canopus as ‘mirror nodes’, holding a strong energetic connection to the Earth’s Ascension. For a week or so beforehand, within the angelic field, Archangel Uriel had come to the fore in my meditations and dreams, with imagery connecting him and his TwinFlame Archangel Khemiel to the colours yellow and gold…as we aligned those colour frequencies, the Yellow Ray and the Golden Ray, into the New Earth light-grid and through the planetary field. On February 17th, Uriel&Khemiel as OneFlame brought this life-filled light through a concentrated beam, forming a huge triangle in the nightsky with Sirius and Canopus.

In the enlargement below, you can see how their merged yellow-golden light-form came through, beautifully warm and clear, with shining white light radiating through the yellow-gold. They’re also holding out a staff of blue light, the guiding beam of the Blue Ray that aligns all energies with Divine Love&Will…and as the stargates within Sirius and Canopus opened in unison with that directed Ray, the whole triangle activated, sending a wave of light frequencies, concentrating and pooling through the centre (creating a fourth point, an open 4D zero-point, for the higher light vibrations and codings to flow through, into the 4D spacetime, etheric, astral, and 3D-projected ‘solid physical’ appearing frequency bands in, on and around the Earth).

dsc04373-copy-3-copy.jpgGolden-yellow light flowing through the focus of Archangels Uriel&Khemiel flashes brilliantly above Sirius and Canopus, holding a triangle formation, on February 17th 2021.



With the photo enlarged, Uriel~Khemiel can be seen holding out a staff or wand of blue light, representing the guiding focus of the Blue Ray.


While the light was flowing through this heavenly triangle, imagery and information flowed with it from a Light Council overlighted by Uriel&Khemiel through this golden-yellow sunflower frequency, streaming from another galaxy that connects with this one through the Canopus portal/stargate. They call themselves the Council of Yve, for anyone that name might resonate with, and are guiding a planet also in an Ascension journey, but in an ‘earlier’ phase than Earth…so connecting with the Earth’s current phase is helpful to that planet…just as connecting to a planet of Canopus (Erra’mu) as it restored its 5D vibration has been directly helpful for Earth.

On February 28th, this connecting of the Yve beings crystallized through the Canopus stargate, with a soul expression of the Uriel~Khemiel Oversoul stepping in, literally, through 5-6-7D frequency bands, giving the name Haram’ura, and a clear light-form from within an Yvian lightship, above Canopus. Haram’ura’s graceful form is facing forward, in a long golden-white robe, and in this merged dimensional emanation, the blue light staff has become a bright blue light device at Haram’ura’s side (which I hear translated approximately as an ‘interphasic regulator’).


A golden-white light-being named Haram’ura shone forth from within a lightship as it flew moved slowly above Canopus, on February 28th 2021.


The Yvian ship with Haram’ura on board revealed its light, in the same soft mid-blue tones, as it moved slowly above Canopus, twinkling faintly. Here, I was asked to use the zoom on the camera, so their ship would be visible in its shape and colour.

dsc04863-copy-2-copy.jpgThe Yvian lightship of soft blue light tones decloaks above Canopus, on February 28th 2021.


Another triangulation to Sirius and Canopus came through on March 22nd, this time from our mothership, the Meri’Ashar/Mary’s Star. The stars are in reversed position as this was taken later at night than on February 17th, with them moving across the nightsky from east, to overhead, to west. There was also a blue orb moving between Sirius and Canopus, which you can see in the photo below, directly under the Hu Shi asterism (location of the Eremor Portal). The Meri’Ashar has appeared before, very high up as a tiny point of light, so it’s not only thrilling (yay!) but as she and other motherships reveal their presence in more detail, closer to the Earth (including the Phoenix recently, lead-ship of the Ashtar Command, which we’ll share in another post), it’s a signal of energies shifting toward open contact and the next phase of the overall ‘disclosure process’.

In the enlargement below, the Meri’Ashar’s shimmery disc shape of white light, infused with aqua and rimmed in rose-violet light is softly defined, with two ships docked beneath. In the circled areas, there’s a large rectangular ship, attached by a ‘ramp’ of light beams to the underside of the mothership, with a smaller white round ship stationed to its left.

dsc05415-copy-2-copy-1.jpg?w=1223The mothership Meri’Ashar decloaks while triangulating with Canopus and Sirius, on March 22nd 2021.



Since reconnecting consciously with the Meri’Ashar in 2016, having been aboard in the dreamstate/astral projection and more recently by physical translocation, I’ve seen her shift and downscale in size, or upscale…like gently breathing in and out…and at present, with a couple of ‘extra’ expanded rings and around 77,000 loving beings travelling within her, of many different kinds and starhomes, sending their light to Earth constantly…and focused on March 22nd through this powerful triangulation/triune vibration with Canopus and Sirius, with the souls of those stars and those living on the higher dimensional planets around them.

Returning to February 28th when Haram’ura flowed through with the blue lightship from Yve, multiple streams of light-codes were anchoring that night, and we’ll also focus here with the Lei’hua (support ship from the Meri’Ashar, which we, as Rowena&Arnap in 5D soul expression, have been bringing into the Earth’s field the last two years). On February 28th, the Lei’hua stationed overhead and sent down a light-beam, which came out with amazing clarity in the photo below, as the ray literally grounded into the Earth, flowing a sequence of energies from the ship. The clearest energetic imprint can be seen as a ‘bubble’ floating down the light-beam. With the brightness reduced, a circle of figures is visible within the bubble, at a round-table meeting.


A brilliant light-beam descends and ‘earths’, from the Lei’hua lightship, with a ‘bubble scene’ floating down within it, on February 28th 2021.




I’ve circled a few of the figures silhouetted in the light, and at the right you can see most clearly a feminine form standing, with her arm extended as she spoke to those gathered. We can say now that she’s a delegate/representative from Earth, and political leader of an Earth country (visiting while physically asleep, in her astral body). Many positive connections are opening and in progress this year, and quite a number of people are visiting the lightships assisting around the Earth, some in full physical translocation, most in astral form while asleep. While maybe just a few are consciously remembering these visits in their waking state at this time, they’re connecting with close soul families and groups, or merging with their soul expressions on board lightships in various dimensional frequency bands, activating ascended light encodements in their DNA, RNA, cells and subtle bodies, and anchoring those encodements into this earthly plane.

On February 17th, a lovely interior view came from the Lei’hua, showing several figures. Circled at the right in the enlargement below is my ‘Rowena-self’, in a long white-gold dress, standing slightly in the background. The clearest form also circled, in the foreground, I see as a girl in a side-on view, wearing a dark-coloured pinafore over a long-sleeved white blouse. She was dancing (yes, there’s a dancefloor on the ship, lol) and so joyful. She had also appeared in my dreams a couple of nights earlier, and we have a close soul connection. So beautiful to see this dear soul ~ and no doubt many more to come ~ dancing through a ship-photo!






Coming toward mid-March, strong alignments were building with the lunar cycle to send specific clearing frequencies through the sublunar field, and activate seed-energies in the New Earth light-grid. On March 9th, while staying at a coastal area south of Perth, a small companion ship of the Lei’hua flashed low down over the ocean at dusk, just as a tern flew by…signalling a ‘tern-ing point’ in the energies!

dsc04979-copy.jpgA small companion ship of the Lei’hua flashes for a couple of seconds over the ocean at Mandurah, Western Australia, with a tern flying overhead, on March 9th 2021.


While I was swimming and communing with the ocean the next day, Ashira Sheran, guiding light of the Neptune Command, was nearby and connecting closely. One of the Neptune Command ships had decloaked very low to the water at the same time as the Lei’hua’s companion ship flashed. Then on March 11th, a beautiful Night Heron came very close, in this physical plane. He felt deeply connected in that moment with Ashira, who appears symbolically through the waterbird heron and flows from the soul level through many Divine Masculine emanations with aquatic connections. I had never seen a Night Heron before, and it wasn’t night, but there he was!


A wonderful Night Heron ‘close encounter’ at South Yunderup, Western Australia, on March 11th 2021.

One of Ashira’s soul expressions (connecting with the Earth’s Ascension) is an Alpha Centaurian named Je’errne’on, and on the following day, Je’errne’on’s presence vibrated overhead as he decloaked a silver horseshoe-shaped Alpha Centauri ship, sending light and preparing the energy field for an inflow that night, coming from a very high (fast frequency) multidimensional overlay through an array of Divine Masculine emanations, to stabilize and strengthen the New Earth field….releasing dense ‘old programme’ masculine energies and constructs and grounding the new masculine of Univeral Love, in step with the blossoming of the rebirthed feminine energies of Gaia and within all beings here.


Je’errne’on (a 5D soul expression of Ashira’s Oversoul) decloaks an Alpha Centaurian silver horseshoe shaped ship on March 12th 2021.dsc05062-copy.jpg

Here’s how the emanation visualized from the higher dimensions that night, aligned to the Southern Cross (an intergalactic portal with Christic/resurrection symbolism), with the stars Alpha Centauri and Beta Centauri below….appearing as a platform of brilliant white light infused with light pink and blue, with two structures on top of the platform that looked like twin mountains or twin pyramids (connecting with mountain nodes and pyramid nodes in the light-grids around the planet that New Moon night), once again showing triangulations of light energies, this time in the blue and purple spectrum, and ‘landing them through a light base’ (symbolically, and literally, a particular light-base on the Earth).



A brilliant light platform with twin mountains/pyramids (triune-twin format) flashed in alignment with the Southern Cross (resurrection symbolism), above Alpha & Beta Centauri, on March 12th 2021.


As the energies continued to amplify up to the Equinox of March 20th 2021, awesome light-imagery came through, and we’ll end this post with this sparkling emanation on the Equinox, of a higher dimensional city/citadel of diamond white light upon a floating island of emerald green, connected with Arcturus and the Angelic Realms, but also with the Agarthan light cities of the 5D Inner Earth frequency bands, and ultimately, with ‘future’ cities of the Ascended Earth…which already Are fully existent, we’re just taking a few (patient) steps and stages for full convergence of the dimensional ‘bandwidths’.

dsc05355-copy-2.jpgA white light citadel on an emerald island ‘floats’ high in the nightsky on the Equinox, March 20th 2021.


Keep holding and visioning the most love-filled, peaceful, joyful and unified New Earth in your present moment, every day, lovely friends. The more who do this, in harmony and unconditionally for All beings on Earth, the more the rebirthed energies can vibrate, unfold and fulfill their unlimited potential around this beloved planet!

Be aware of where you may be holding and storing any fears or worries, or where you might be projecting fears or negavity through the present ‘into the future’, via whatever personal or collective narratives, beliefs and viewpoints. And if you feel so called and inspired, please continue to hold the present and ‘future’, in any detail you focus into as well as overall, in the Highest Light, in Love’s boundless Grace and Providence for All. All the Love in the Omniverse is always with us, we’re never apart from it, as from that transcendent view, everything is One…and Love is realigning and re-newing everything.

Love, Peace & Joy to All, and a blessed Easter ~ Ostara ~ Oestre to all celebrating the energies of birth, rebirth and resurrection, restoration of the Golden Frequency of Creation,

Joanna&Ashura&Friends   ✨🥰🌺




*For anyone feeling unsettled or overwhelmed at this time, know that your Inner Divine Light is always there inside, and that you are embraced by the Light all around you and within. Even when it seems clouded or unreachable, it’s always there, in the Forever Love. Your inner guidance comes from that Light, and if you could do with some assistance connecting with its presence, we suggest visiting the Four Foundational Heart Practices page and The Seven Sacred Flames Meditations. They may resonate for you as they are, or they may help to catalyze your own inner inspiration, connection and knowing…which is our greatest wish for All… 💗  Offered with Love 🌸


*If you’re new to concepts of multiple dimensions, you might like to read this post; Multidimensionality

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  • Hi Amparo, just saw your message (on my wall)...answering here, as the posts connected with Ashira & the Neptune Command are linked in the comments below if you scroll down...
    Love & Blessings to you, Joanna 💚💙🌊
  • Hehe, well, Amour it is! 😍
    Thanks Amparo, I also feel the ACC as a sanctuary of Light, overlighted by the AC, and am grateful for this space to share the Love, and thank you for your Loving vibrations too 'SiStar'...:)
    Ashira (Commander/overlight of the NC) is indeed an Ascended Arcturian Being, or we could say, an Arcturian Angel, as one of his many soul expressions...hence the Arturian Light Citadel at the end of the post...this was coming through with his (and other close soul family) focus...
    And it's part of a progression of energies in what comes through the photos, on this in the last few years (2017 was first I think), emerald doors have appeared in the sky, and come out in the photos...a few times, one of them was on top of a hilly or mountainous place, like this light city....but now the Emerald Door is open (the Solstice 2020), and transmissions and ascension codes from the light cities themselves are flowing into the Earth, into the New Earth grid, to assist the light city activations vibrating from the Ascended Earth and Inner Earth/Agarthan 5D realms... everything is in motion for full convergence... 💚💚💚
    Namaste & Blessings to you toom have a beautiful Easter/Ostara 🥰
  • For any of you resonating with Ashira Sheran and the Neptune Command through this post, I'll link a couple of posts that focused on the Neptunian, Neptune Command and Aquatic Star Family energies, during late 2020:

    'Waves of Love' to you all 💙💙💙
    Neptune & Earth’s Ascension, Part 1
    Neptune, photo by Voyager 2, 1989, image credit: NASA/JPL Dear Friends, Thank you to everyone who has been sending photos and sightings, and other in…
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