All Posts (309)
TOPICS: The key to freedom in not the ascension - Nirvana is not annihilation - The double illusion - Deliver the Living Word - Overcome the focus on self - Beware of the ego trap of turning the path into a struggle - You cannot lose by sharing your
TOPICS: The karmic cycle throughout the year - Transmuting karma and beginning the New Year - Karma is a stream of energy - Karma is an opportunity - Change is always possible - The dynamics of New Year’s resolutions - Make use of your opportunity -
Greetings everyone! I would like to share something with all of you in regard to the channeling that I have posted recently onTWIN FLAME REUNION.
A while back when I was awakening to who I am, I had a very interesting vision, which kept coming back to
CA, our correspondent from Africa, and an active participant in building Nova Earth, wraps up 2014, from ‘letting go’, to finding her ‘New You’, to the Mother’s Tsunami of Love.
Another year has passed and a new one enfolds………wow……what a year!
A year a
Our Dearest Ones,
Because of your need, and intention, to maintain a Higher Frequency of Consciousness, you are being called to change your lives in many ways. But, when you are in the midst of the 3D hustle/bustle, it can become very difficult to mai
Sananda: Yucatán Activations, Anchoring and Preparation for The New Atlantis
13 January 2015
Channeler:Kathryn E. May
It is I, Sananda.
I am eager to talk with you about the profound shifts taking place on the planet at this time. Things are really s
Dear Ones,
I was sitting at my computer this morning thinking about what I could post to the list that would feel good. I thought of maybe doing a WUC, then thought no, how about a Daily Inspiration and a piece of my writings from the past few years.
Have you noticed odd dreams that should be happy but turn bad. Last night I saw something that was quite odd in a dream. As I am walking through what seems like a mall. I see people partying and having fun; there is laughter all about. Looking from m
Dear Students, today, we are starting the week with another explanation of the Ascended Master Terminology:
Great Central Sun
The Great Central Sun is the Source and Center of a galaxy and a Cosmos. It is the Nucleus of Integration of the Spirit/Matter
I was 11 years old. It was dark outside-nearly midnight at my home in Tampa, Florida on the very wrong side of town. Something had woke me, urged me to get up and leave my house, walking all the way down to the end of the street where the main road w
The Culture of Awareness
It becomes clear to anyone who looks around that we live in a broken world.
Things happen every day that are appalling to say the least, and a lot of them are hidden from public view. Corporations and shadow governments run th
Beloved Mother Mary is an exponent of the Feminine Aspect of our Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent Father-Mother God, the Cosmic I AM, All That Is. She represents the Divine Mother Principle on Earth, and she has accepted the resp
Our new year 2015 has kicked off with a true "kick in the but" scenario for the collective and ourselves as an individual expression of BEing.
Up we go in an accelerated speed, ready or not as things must change and move in this Now. Whether things ar
Welcome my friends! Welcome! I AM Sanat Kumara! I am with you always. You are the new leaders in the world of consciousness.
You are the new leaders in life as it should be now and forever.
There is a new world coming. It will delight you to know that
Sometimes it’s fun to take an unplanned, spontaneous road trip someplace you’ve never been before or to a place you haven’t been to in a long time. It’s like reawakening your pioneering spirit! In a sense, dear Ones, this is what will be in store for
In this day full of Light, Love and Freedom of the Violet Flame, we give continuation of the posts about the Ascended Mater Terminology. Today, with the explanation of the Christ Presence:
Christ Presence
The Holy Christ Presence — also known as the Hi
Abt 3000~3500 years ago the Japanese made such a clay figure at Hachinohe, Japan. What do you think this is? This is the story about the mystery.