My first post at Heart Star for 2015, awesome energies coming in!
Namaste. :))
My first post at Heart Star for 2015, awesome energies coming in!
Namaste. :))
The ganoderma products are adaptive, increasing the body's ability to resist stress, physical scars, and concerns over fatigue.
As I watched the sun sink slowly away for it’s last moments in 2014, it occurred to me that our marking of time based events, like the new year, is both observational and arbitrary in terms of its relation to the passing of cosmological events. While
Content 1
1-Implementing Great Holiness Law and Global Light Law worldwide. Translate into English and other languages to propagate for mankind in general. To unify world improvin
Keeping YOUR Peace
Julie Miller
January 4, 2015
It is well understood that feeling stressed once in a while is perfectly normal and acceptable especially during times where you know you are being tested. It is also common to recognize the wh
Transmitted Through Ronna, LM-01-2015
Beloved masters, as the Age of Pisces fully fades into the past, there is a new system of rules and Universal laws which will now apply to all emerging Spiritual/Human Beings.
A new, expanded cycle of Creation is i
Message from P'taah - January 2015
You Are the Power House, the Power Tool
You know, beloved peoples, you are absolutely doing it right. Because you see what has occurred in this timing where you are being involved in all of these stories, is that you
Dear ones, We send wishes for a Happy New Year and add that a year of the new it will be, for you have already cleared much of the energy that held you in bondage to an old state of consciousness and this will allow the new to unfold.
Never believe th
16 Ways to Bring Positive Energy Into Your Life
You’ve felt it. You’re in a group of people, and somebody walks in with a black cloud hanging over their head. Their energy repels you, and you may find your own mood affected by it.
So how can you NOT be
Anchoring The Fifth Dimensional Frequency In 2015
Earth already exists in a fifth dimensional frequency. Thanks to “the quickening”, approximately one third of humans will have anchored that frequency into our reality by the end of 2015.
Just as humans
Greetings everyone! Before I begin this channeling I would like to add a personal note. First of all I would like to take a moment and wish all of you a very Happy New Year!
As many of you have been feeling rather disconnected last few weeks especiall
Dear Students, continuing with the posts of the Terminology of the Ascended Masters, today, we have the explanation of who They are and what is the Ascended Master Octave:
Ascended Masters
The Ascended Masters are Individuals who were once embodied
Life has provided the Transmuting Violet Flame as the way and means by which mankind can, through conscious application, harmoniously change and transmute wrong conditions and all that is less than perfect. The Violet Flame is the activity of Divine
Blessed Hearts, in order to help new students or clarify about the terminology of the Ascended Masters, I will post the definitions and explanations of these terminologies. Starting with the Archangels:
Archangels are Angels that have passed
Dancing with the Full Moon
There is a Full Moon in Capricorn/Cancer Sunday January 4 2015.
It will likely be a strong and transformational lunation, as both Uranus and Pluto are connected to it.
The Moon will be closely in opposition to Pluto and square
'The Intimate Christ. The Twelve Apostles. The Development of Philosophical Mercury. The Advent of the Fire. The vitriol. Gold Fixing. The Solar Man. –
The Intimate Christ has to embody in the heart of