Dr. Angela Barnett
This information about Patrick Moore's vision has been popping up on websites. However, Moore died in 2012. I still believe this astronomer's predition of anti-gravity is t
All Posts (309)
January 1, 2015
Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as openness. This quality is manifested in one’s life as having the ability to go with the flow of one’s life and its events without expecting predetermined outcomes. It
With the Earth still sitting at a precipice, hovering like a giant ball between the old and new, it may appear as though nothing is changing in a substantial way. Don’t let these outer appearances fool you! Indeed, plenty is changing and happening he
“Change is inevitable. Growth is intentional.” ~Glenda Cloud
What do you do when you come to the end of a calendar year as it approaches the start of another one? Do you get caught up in the festive season hype and then, as you roll into the new year,
For a majority of the world, the past, present and future are out of one's control and they are conditioned to react to the random events of the future as they become the present being prepared as best as possible. The possibility that our thoughts,
~The GRAND EVENT ~ The grand event is upon you dear children of light, we are preparing each and everyone of you lightworkers, for the grand event that is about to take place on your planet earth.
The grand sextile, of the planets, and conjunction of
NASA Announces ZERO GRAVITY Tomorrow Dr. Angela Barnett crystalmagicorchestra.com January 4, 2015 9:47 Pacific Standard Time there will be a Standing Wave Pattern of Zero Gravity. What is a Standing Wave Pattern? It is a shift in Frequencies, a shift
Dr. Angela Barnett
all messages are channeled from the Entity called
During the year 2015 fifty percent of the masses will believe that ET's exist and in 2016 we wil
2015 - 2017 EXPERIENCING THE NEW VERSION OF OURSELVES Dr. Angela Barnett all messages are channeled from the Entity called Crystalai Crystalmagicorchestra.com During the year 2015 fifty percent of the masses will believe that ET's exist and in 2016 w
Friday, 2 January, 2015
It's the dawn of the New Year. So you’re probably working on a list of things that you’d like to get done in 2015. Well, I’d like to ask you to forget about making these resolutions.
Forget about deciding on the first day of Ja
Honey, I guess... I guess it's mind control that gets the public to do like they do, this can't be. The public seems like such good people, but with absolutely 1% thinking effort they could save 7 billion people and they don't do it, and many know th
Grounded in the Present
~ January 2 – 9, 2014
received by Julie Miller
January 2, 2015
Hard and challenging times are often before you and sometimes they seem to be getting tougher. It is well understood that too much stress, the kind of stress that i
DNA ACTIVATION INCLUDES CREATION OF A NEW VERSION OF OURSELVES Dr. Angela Barnett all messages are channeled from the Entity called Crystalai Crystalmagicorchestra.com These are questions and answers about DNA activation from one member who is using
Hello to you dear ones, it is Magdalena and Jeshua here to speak with each of you!
Now is the time to be ever faithful to your true essence! To be of pure heart and focus on your hearts flow and the true knowingness of love within!
Dear ones now is the
2015 The Year of Discovery ~ Channeled December 21, 2014
Greetings, Dear Ones! How pleased we are - so pleased - to be in your presence today. We honour you for coming on this magical day of celebration to anchor the energies of the group, and, of cou
A new year, and a number of failed predictions for the previous year from various sources. I see the same patterns repeating themselves, so this message seems relevant again:
This is something we get asked continually, "When is Ascension?", "When is F
Beloved God Harmony :
Oh, Beloved Ones, Life is so mathematically unerring and accurate. It is no respecter of persons, places, or conditions. It acts with dynamic Power and It isn't going to say to any one of you: "Now, you have been a nice little ch
Living a Guided Life
By Julie Redstone
The soul listens. It cannot help but listen since it is part of a greater whole which is the Soul of the Universe that is God, Spirit, or the One.
It listens for the inner Voice that resonates with the path of tr
Many souls came here for this purpose - to add their light to the effort to help construct the energetic framework for the transition to the new time. These souls are now being activated.
It’s at the point of activation that their 3D worlds may start