All Posts (309)
And the pontiff did not disappoint: he flashes Illuminati satanic hand gesture at throngs during the motorcade, blessing Fili
As you read this, humanity is ascending. What does this mean exactly? We are spiritually evolving. We are becoming advanced human beings with full spiritual awareness, freedom, and power.
At this moment, a contagious remembering is taking place on our
Greetings Dear Ones.
We come to say that much is happening on your planet that cannot yet be seen with physical eyes. However, you are beginning to feel change in the energy of your personal world as well as on the universal level.
You may begin to not
The Pursuit of Rainbows
By Julie Redstone
Web Source: www.worldblessings.com/pursuit-of-rainbows.html
Rainbows appeal to everyone because of their surprising beauty, the ethereal quality of their colors, and the fact that they come unannounced and we
Erle Frayne D. Argonza
Brotherhood of Light
Lo and Behold! Earth had ceased to be a Fallen planet! Hail the Sacred planet rising!
For the following note, this Initiate of the Brotherhood of Light, messenger & volunteer in the A
Polydimethylsiloxane, sounds tasty doesn’t it? Domino’s Pizza, McDonald’s, and Wendy’s think it is at least. The chemical has been stirring up some discussion recently due to its appearance in fast-food menu items. It belongs to a group of polymeric
Written questions to the Cabinet with regards to Prime Minister’s “Dining” with media and industry representatives
December 27, 2014
Written questions to the Cabinet with regards to Prime Minister’s “Dining” with media and industry represen
I am going to tell you something now that you don't hear very often in the world,
and I use myself as an example for you.
If you want to go all the way, give up the sense that you have any rights in life.
Have no right at all. Have no rights for anyt
HOW DOES THE ETERNAL LIFE ALBUM ACTIVATES DNA? Dr. Angela Barnett Copyright © by Dr.Angela Barnett. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is
Dear people of a changing Earth, we of the soul collective of Isis have been watching with great interest the dramas that have been performed upon the matrix-screen of your reality.
We have seen behind the screen into the secret movements and motivati
Awakened by Impulse
Julie Miller
~ January 18 – 25, 2014
Learning to discern your own awakening is a paramount experience and journey. One that will have you understanding that to be awake, all ideas and previous understandings seem to just
I come to you today with great pleasure and anticipation of things to come. It is a very exciting time to be alive on Planet Earth, as you have no doubt been told many times before. We understand that you might have felt dubious about those clai
There is an energetic shift this week as we transition into a new lunar cycle at the New Moon in Aquarius on Tuesday January 20. More shifting winds blow in as Mercury stops going direct and turns Retrograde on Wednesday January 21.
The days leading u
Beloved Saint Germain:
Beloved Ones! surely you must understand that you cannot serve two masters and gain any victory ahead. Having free will, you must choose. If you choose the outer, forgetting your "Invincible I AM Presence," then My Love goes w
January 15, 2015
Arcturus based craft recorded in close proximity to International Space Station.
The ‘delta’ shaped space craft recorded in space as flying in somewhat close proximity to the International Space Station [regardless of the allege
In any case, you should know that all humanity is terribly mechanistic, one hundred percent.
Obviously, such mechanicity originally comes from the satel
Soul Sustenance 17-01-2015
The Spiritual Concept Of Becoming A Trustee (Part 1)
Spirituality introduces to us a very beautiful concept of trusteeship.
At first, I realize that
Every single day, whether you are aware of it or not, you are consciously creating your experience. You are in the process of creating that which you desire over and over again.
In order to become a conscious creator, you need to know where you are an