Humanity on this world is under a great curse. In fact a number of different curses placed on them due to the severe abuse of power in the past. One such curse is the monetary system, which has become a deviously corrupt, diabolically ingenious schem
All Posts (152)
Discovering who we are, we transform.
Learn to travel in the astral body.
Fly to a distant land to spread your light.
Receive the life giving energy,
that is traveling to everywhere and everything.
Becoming a ghost to seek wisdom.
Every ghost is holy, sho
(Mother Earth Gaia, Earthshan, Galactic Federation, Earth 3, Third
Planet from Sol, Milky Way)
To Begin Monday January 31, 2010
Through Monday, February 7, 2010
Greetings My Beloved Brothers and Sisters, It is I, Archaea FAITH - Beloved Twin Flame To Michael. Michael has Told Me that you have been calling out for Me and I have Heard many of you, Dear Ones, calling To and For Me. Some of you know Me as "Arch
With the spiritual awakening that is taking place, there is an urgency to probe the deeper and normally unconscious levels of the human psyche. At one end of the spectrum we find brilliant thinkers, in every discipline of inquiry, breaking th
For the awakened souls: We are off into another new year, keep in mind that the ascension process is now closer than ever, and it is now at this time and place where we must group as one to shed l |
The Angels have channelled through me today to bring their message to you all.
As the energies shift and change here on Earth.
The Angels ask that everyone.
Stop for a few seconds and send light and love to parts of the world where Fear and suffering
As the sun rises we witness the revolution.
Journey towards a sight beyond the stars.
The stars teach, love is the only solution.
Brand new day,
awaken the soul.
Use the key,
make us whole.
Arrive at the Great Earthly body.
Vast mountains speak of wise tales
Understanding the Star of David (Merkaba), the Taurus (Donut), & the Hourglass as the Unified Vehicle of Travel (The Trinity)
All points of light are a Taurus which is driven by the 2 vectors shaping an hourglass.... when in hourglass state you exper
During one of our research and study group sessions one of the participants asked what would seem on the surface to be a simple question but as soon as it was asked it was apparent that the answer to a question like this could be very complex. Initia
O Eagle Spirit!
With wings of meaning, I dare to fly higher
for one day I shalt sing with ye...
- Shamshir Rai Luthra
Famous french singer, Edith Piaf. Live recital at Holland, 1962.
Non, je ne regrette Rien.
Considered the best singer France gave to the
Show me the way to freedom,
show us the way towards light.
Crucial judgement presents our future.
Love, the universal sight.
Where is our mighty homeland?
Remember your past to unlock the key.
I resurrect the knowledge within,
love thyself, where shall we
As I roll up my sleeves I see who I aim to please.
My sisters, brothers, cousins, all the way to Mother Earth.
Mother, show them your love.
Mother, show us great ones above.
You may feel like you're in an odd place.
You may want to leave t
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The administration has downplayed the importance of the text messages inadvertently sent to <em>The Atlantic</em>’s editor in chief.