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- Some time ago the guardians of the Holy Sepulcher told me: "We know that you are leaving,
but before you
Charlie Ward: Quantum Financial System Goes Live!! US Gold Backed Currency Update!! Deepstate And Cabal Now Only Have Paper!! “Official Spokesperson For The QFS” Makes Stunning Statements On Stage!!
The crew brought our attention to this Charlie Ward
When lightning was the only 'bright' thing we know of near us, humans insisted that the sun is nothing but some huge lighning balls. When humans discovered fire, they now changed the theory, insisting that the sun is a 'camp fire in the sky', powered
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Benjamin Fulford is the former Toyko
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"We're demanding $25 billion in penalties for the harm China caused to Americans, during COVID-19.
If they don't pay up, we'll start seizing Chinese assets - like farmland -…"