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Everything we thought we knew is now revealed to be untrue.
It has all been revealed for those with eyes to see and ears to hear. We have built our world on a foundation of lies so bold that few dared question them.
If the resistance to change and fac
- On a certain occasion, while I was in meditation, I was able to clearly verify the meaning
intelligent of the
Juan O Savin And Charlie Ward – WAKE UP! Nesara/ Gesara Nov. 2022
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Vegas/Pacific Time) $35 100 min
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Let me tell you a story about a little towel that had nothing to do. It was sitting day after day on a long towel rack with other towels (big and small) that were being used daily for various purpose
If you take a look at a spiral galaxy, it immediately suggests a vortex ring. The understanding of why there are spiral arms can be straight foward when seen as to be a result of its formation. First we might have some a bit featureless cluster of st
The crew is on it and it sounds like SGAnon is, too. The entire video below is 3 hr 10 minutes but there is a notation below regarding the specific intel below. I
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The administration has downplayed the importance of the text messages inadvertently sent to <em>The Atlantic</em>’s editor in chief.