Above picture is from youtube. A conclusion at the end is provided for the uninitiated. The best description of this relationship came from www.elle.com as follows: "When Freddie Mercury walked into the boutique where Mary Austin worked in the late '
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Look at the trajectory of the orb-two maps shows where Hoboken is.
Above photo from Infowars. A basic conclusion for the uninitiated is provided. This analysis excludes use of the Moon, Ascendant, or Midheaven since we are using a mean time of 12:00 pm. This means the primary tool used for analysis will be aspects/a
The deep state and their biden puppet willing to sacrifice even more Ukranians
“The American Journal” is live every weekday from 8-11 am CST.
A basic conclusion at the end is provided for the uninitiated. June Carter's time of birth is unknown, so we have to use 12 pm as a mean time. June accepted marriage proposal # 7 from Johnny Cash in Ontario, Canada on Feb. 22, 1968. A look at the rel
A basic conclusion is provided at the end for the uninitiated. This blog will look at basic astrology transits of a recent Ukraine long-range missile strike against Russia (11/19/24; 3:25 am; Kiev, Ukraine). This event spells big trouble for the horo
Hello! We hope you are enjoying your week. Come check out your new Ascension Astrology…and email us at starfireart@aol.com if you would like my new America, Land of Freedom animated accelerator that you can put on your phone or computer. www.light
Dr. Francis Boyle, author of 1989 Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act, releases affidavit confirming COVID “vaccines” are biological weapons of mass destruction (WMDs)
06/12/2024 / By Ethan Huff

Last week, there was a lot of footage circulating on social media of unhinged women crying hysterically over Trump winning the election and their insistence that t
If you thought some aspects of AI’s capabilities were creepy, brace yourself for FinalSpark’s new “Neuroplatform” that is run by lab-grown human bra
Just like the last blog this blog will also talk about another one of the galaxys most talked about civilizations the Sirians of The Sirius-B region. As many know The Sirians have been Sheldan's main contacts for almost all of his life. All info here
Photo above is from CNN. A basic conclusion is provided at the end for the uninitiated. Today (11/13/24) is the reported date of transfer of ownership of Infowars (AND NOT ALEX JONES. Alex Jones is a U.S. citizen not subject to indentured servitude o
The Dreams Are Reality 5-book series is complete! It is about Vanaja Ananda’s journey and how I reprogrammed my subconscious and reached completion. The series also explains what is currently happening on this planet either 2024 or 2025 even though
The election was called out by the Associated Press at 1:00 am EST on November 6, 2024 (after the election day, as I predicted). Trump was the victor (as I predicted). My predictions for the 2024 election were all correct except in one area: Kamala H
Most people don't believe any of this because it's not a toppic for the mainstream media.
Read your new Psychic ‘5D’ Ascension Astrology NOW! Come check out the info at www.lightquest-intl.com …go to the Starseed Arcade page!
A basic conclusion is provided at the end for the uninitiated. Basic transits to the natal horoscopes of Donald Trump and Kamala Harris will be the tool used for analysis. Priority natal points will include Personal Points of the natal horoscope, and
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The administration has downplayed the importance of the text messages inadvertently sent to <em>The Atlantic</em>’s editor in chief.