Being a light worker today means being a pioneer-one who can envision the beautiful possibilities for the human species and for our world, but who has the daunting, uncharted task of paving the way. Today’s light workers are also lik
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Truth can be laid with a pen
But fools require a machine gun;
People can be changed with words
But fools require swords;
Hearts can be won with alms
But cowards require arms.
When kind is tone
No need to stone;
Their minds are narrow
Hence fools require
What if they preach a lot,
What if great ideas are taught,
What if great deeds are wrought,
What if great is their thought,
What if love is brought,
What if fame is got,
What if service is besought,
What if great things are bought,
What if falsehood is fough
Rama Rao Das asks,
“Let the Bible be known in a word!
Oh! my Guru, tell me the Word
Which was with our Lord?
Called as primordial word.
This word became Our Lord
And Our Lord is this Word.
This is what I heard.”
My Guru says,
“Om is the word
Called as Div
He is the saint
Who is not faint;
He is the saint
Whose wisdom is quaint;
He is the saint
Who has no complaint;
He is the saint
Who has restraint;
He is the saint
Who has constraint;
He is the saint.
(Offered at the lotus feet of my Guru Siddha Nath)
The T
They are the great
If none they hate;
They are the great
If wisdom they state;
They are the great
If they are straight;
They are the great
If ego they ate;
They are the great
If their word is eternal certificate;
They are the great.
They are the great; trul
The ripples from the apparent non-eventuation of 21/12/12 continue to be felt across the lightworker community.
Some are turning aside from channeled messages.
Some are re-assessing their roles after seeing that we’re not in the Fifth Dimension and t
The most magical world of the Fairies and the Unicorns greets you all in their midst. We are the ones that are described in length to your beloved children at bedtime telling of a fairy tale world which you all dream of and yearn for to come into exi
Posted by Wes Annac
Angel Wisdom Sunday, December 30, 2012
Thanks to:
This is a time for signicant change
Open your heart and your mind to the possibilities that there is more. Focu
Natalie Glasson: Archangel Metatron, Lord Buddha and the Celestial White Beings - 2013 and Beyond
Channelled through Natalie Glasson - December 30, 2012
We come forward as a united consciousness of l
Silvia Mamani – The 5th World Prophecy Is Fulfilled – 27 December 2012
Lucas, Lucas2012infos, Dec. 27, 2012
* Message from the Lakota Ancestors, through Seashell Moon Woman, Stillness and movement engage in their endless dance.
This morning I woke up with my heart being a wildly productive area of creativity. It was like a golden ball of radiating light, unlimited love, radiating from my heart! My heart was like a sun.

by William Thomas
If you did not enjoy "traditional" chemtrails raining down on you, you are not going to like the new version, which the United States Air Force promises will feature aerial dumps of programmable "smart" molecules ten
Channeling on the apparent state of Spiritual Emergency your planet has existed in as it is the Source Soul's radical realignment with Absolute Pure Source Energy.
HEALING THE CHILD WITHIN The cry we hear from deep in our hearts, says Thich Nhat Hanh, comes from the wounded child within. Healing this inner child’s pain will transform negative emotions. In each of us, there is a young, suffering child. We hav
*~* At the Divine Lotus Feet of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba *~* “Lesser affections diminish with separation; greater ones are enhanced with it. The wind that blows out a candle flame also fans a forest fire!” *~* THE JOY of RESURRECTION *~* The
Human individuality is a self torturing personality. Divine individuality is a self discovering personality. Man does not have to lose his individuality and personality. Man has to feel and realise his all pervading divine individuality and all-ser
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The administration has downplayed the importance of the text messages inadvertently sent to <em>The Atlantic</em>’s editor in chief.