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John’s audio reading is available here.
Do not be alarmed as a number of unexpected events unfold quite early in 2016.
Much has been going on at deeper levels of the human Collective as you prepare yourselves collectively and individually for your awak
Good, Good Morning Everyone!
A week or two ago I posted a multi-part channeling called ‘An Explanation of Timelines.’ in which I spoke of how our new Time will change our physical bodies. In the days of Atlantis this was how our bodies worked. There w
I wanted to review the last couple of year’s in this energy update for 2016 as I believe it is so important to see how far we have all come! We have been on such a journey that it is sometimes useful to reflect and see how each year’s energy has help
Today we would like to briefly discuss how your thoughts and expectations play significant roles in the relationships that you have with one another. Though this will no
Hello to each of you beautiful beings!
It is I, Mary Magdalene/Lady Nada and Jeshua/Sananda to speak to you.
We are here to discuss your ever-awakening love that is within you! Dear ones, this time (and your ever awakening now) is about the return of
Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,
The stories of this Resurrection phase are something we’ll really enjoy sharing – later. The message to go silent has presented again, just when things are getting gorgeously surreal.
I highly recommend that anyone who is
Dearest friends, we come with joy and best wishes in this holiday season.
We observe some of you experiencing sadness and a bit of confusion because you are not experiencing the season as you are used to. For those of you who are feeling this way, rej
Audio version available here.
Great events are on the verge of occurring on your beautiful planet because of all your prayers and loving intentions so strongly and constantly held.
Many have been feeling that all the promises that have been made about
Audio Version
Dear Beloveds, Behold now the exquisite expansion and expansiveness of your Christ Consciousness. Behold and feel it as your new way of Being.
You are becoming, and are, a Golden Chalice of Pure Loving Christ Consciousness ready to make y
1- In the abyss, man founded schools of the Baals.
2- Baals schools are all pseudo-spiritualist schools that currently exist in the world.
3- All these schools are outside of the abyss, and if the man wants out
What truly works.
To know more about YOUR own soul plan, spiritual missions, life tests on Earth contact:
Please also subscribe to the free Expansion newsletter here:
Erle Frayne Argonza
A Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone else!
That I started with a goodwill greeting associated with the Christmas occasion doesn’t make me a church devotee of which I defin
This will be a strange post for strange times! There are nine of us. That’s pretty much all that I know. There were others that did their part and have gone on ahead. Dewey Larson, Roger Zelazney and perhaps Robert Heinlein. I’m sad that I didn’t rec
Hi everyone,
This is The Dragon. We speak to you today about the split that is coming within humanity, that some have talked about. It is not a split in the sense of masses of people passing over or others turning into lightbeings before others. There
Greetings fellow beings of light! I come to you now as signs both below and above are becoming more clear to those with the eyes to see, and the hearts to feel.
I come to speak with you now of these signs, and how much more clearly they shall continue
Two scenarios of this comment together with the Queen of England's quote 'Enjoy your last Christmas' at her 2015 christmas message filming;
1) WW3 with nuclear bombs (Putin and Obama are on the verge to use them now)
2) Earth ascension that most people
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The administration has downplayed the importance of the text messages inadvertently sent to <em>The Atlantic</em>’s editor in chief.