living, home grown energy.......................... Life................................
All Posts (355)
I've been a member of this site since last summer. And honestly, I don't post at all. (I posted once) And yet, I log on every day. Why? There are various reasons why this site continues to be something I check on a regular basis.
I think the most
The past couple days, this question has been challenging my person. Can a 3D body have an old soul and a young spirit in the same incarnation? Thanks all for just being, any responses are appreciated. Much love, light, and peace to all.
The world is slowly getting beter, but still there is darkness. When is this darkness going to end? There is morons that still protect nuclear weapons and are redy to use them. The people that follow the dark feeds the poor people who has not woken u
If you ever are encountered by someone with the lower vibrations just remember whether it be verbal abusing you, physicality or even going against you deepest beliefs, just remember its the lye's and programming talking not them. If they had the same
"Yatha Raja Tatha Praja",in other words,if the King is immoral so would be his subjects. Indian citizens have stashed over $500 billion in banks abroad and this is only a tip of the iceberg.What does it mean that basically whole Indian economy is sto
"You have been telling people that this is the eleventh hour.
Now you must go back and tell people that this is the hour!
And there are things to be considered:
Where are you living?
What are you doing?
What are your relationships?
Are you in right r
There is a lot going on today. With various things going on in the government something needs to be to restore the Republic of the United State and to make the World a better place. But what can one do to facilitate change?
There is an effect called t

Brothers and sisters we feel at times you misunderstand us, not because you want to or we have misinformed you but rather it's because you do not think of us as your equals...What if you were to view this whole process as a grand symphony being perfo
We know that many of you are getting impatient watching how the world seems like it is not changing for the better, but seems to be getting worse every day...But always before the sun sets, the worst of the storm will be seen...For that reason, we as
Video Message
There are many explanations of the dimensions out there, and this is the one I subscribe to 100%. It was discovered by Rob Bryanton, who will answer your questions individually if you contact him on his channel.
A lot of you will wonde
A journey into the Inner Self through the Chakras and the Rays of God to fully release Fear-Based Feelings and Thinking.
Facilitators: Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Michael Hayden Wednesday, Feb 15th, 2012 BLENDING THE ESSENCE OF THE DIVINE HEART 5 PM PDT |
Getting is good but giving is greater. “As you give so shall you receive tenfold” is a truism that’s wisely awash throughout all cultures upon the planet!
Giving is about living plentifully. Factually most gift giving will cost you in various combina
This is a rather brief post that highlights something that ive been noticing with increasing frequency.
Many of my friends and a number of other people ive encountered have all told me stories about how they are wanting to Move somewhere else, or enga
Crown Energies will create a magnificient balance and feelings and emotions it will be balanced each point with 5d energies, there is a truth in this and to carry the light of a magic creation and shapes will be a SAVIOUR, i belive and is attuned, He
Person and person are both divine and magnetic
magnetism depends on the entities each one allows
if the person walks with another person
and the otehr person receives
the telephatic or entities communication soul communication it wonders a debate between
Intend Monoatomic and multispark recreation regeneration impulses of biolight energy enconding and downloading in prof}gress assisting the new cosmic rays interface, reconstructing and guiding space and galactic energies sequences, receiving the 12 d
ok so im going to share 2 things iv seen in the last 3wks, dont know why but for some reason without wanting to or any warning iv seen, 1.......was in my kitchen looking out window in the lounge, its in the middle of the room and theres a reflection