...the satanic cabalists in control of the Western central banks are in a state of extreme fear... efforts by the Satanists to start World War 3 via a war between Israel and Iran, and the offering up of millions of Israeli lives...is going to be stop
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please visit my blog at: http://nathanlawcynell.blogspot.com/ to read.
Feel free to post any comments or remarks I value all thoughts and opinions
Tibet is known for ancient secrets, enigmatic knowledge, and paranormal powers. A civilization whose roots trace back into the lost mists of time, the mysterious monks, some with supernatural powers, walk the Earth as benign supermen blessing mortals
We have reached a Pivotal point in time. As many of you have heard that Super Bowl Sunday had an Illuminating them from Madonna - which was heavily planned and worked out by the Illuminati - The Final Curtain -But what all this Cignify's behind the s
This is my Blog i hope you like it enjoi http://olumeinschimbare.blogspot.com/
The International Banksters (colloquialism for “bank gangsters”) have suddenly collapsed and have, per the ETs/EDs (extraterrestrials/extradimensionals), now left the planet, most last night, for an uncertain future. Their final disposition is unknow
Hi fellow Ashtar Command-ers, I am new to posting here even though I have been following and reading many discussions that take place on here. I first wanna say that I love this site and reading the debates that take place here, especially recently.
- Target: The Galactic Federation of Light
- Sponsored by: Greg Giles, channel for the Galactic Federation of Light.
We, the people of Earth, hereby give our permission to The Galactic Federation of Light to arrest, detain for trial, and/or remove from thi
We are one. There is no separation. Everyone’s attitudes and behaviors have far-reaching effects way beyond their immediate physical placement...an amazing expansion of awareness is shortly to occur which will astound those who suddenly find themselv
hello everyone, im new here and wanted to say hi iv been awake for a few years now, and have sought out as much infomation as i can my hands on, its great to see through the looking glass so to speak, to realise the greater reality thats out there, t
Many people believe a divine, omnipotent and loving creature created all that is. However the question’s often asked as to why it apparently also created opportunities for experiences that range between irritating and evil.
Whilst I don’t suggest I h
For a large part of my life now I have followed spirit , for a large part of my life I have also follow what is called ego.
It is believed that there are higher beings than us existing on the 4D ,5D ,and up dimensions.
The information from these beings
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GENOCIDE BILL GATES to mRNA-vaccinate all cows, goats and sheep in Africa, but never animals they DON’T EAT, so what’s the “methane emission” goal again?"