Last night I awoke in a beautiful beach landscape,it was almost dusk and the skys were filled with the most brilliant colors. I got into the water and began to paddle out on a surf board..I remember thinking,this is the most beautiful place I have e
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It is with much excitement that I share my insights about the new roles we are assuming...Never has there been a time that access to these energies has been this heightened..We are currently in a phase of merging our many selves. This process of soul
I am a bit due with this blog, I wanted to post this much earlier but could not find all these sources back.
More than a year ago I noticed my Lightbody, and I remembered I did an activation. I got the information from the internet and printed it out.
#1 Lord James of Blackheath "15 Trillion Dollars & 759 Metric Tones of Gold
[link to]
#2 Nathaniel Rothschild Loses Libel case
[link to www.
-Three paintings that are thought provoking.
1st -A black winged Angel plays a harp during the Fall. There are two snakes emanating from the strings of her wrap.
2nd-A red, gold ,and brown winged Angel as Blind Justice. Note t
We have sensed the turn away from channeled messages as of late in many souls, and this is all progressing according to the Divine Plan... For some, a reliance on channeled messages has been fostered as many souls feel that they cannot themselves fee
I was back to the research facisilty again. There where some people with horrible coughs, realy slimy bad coughs. One thing is sertain I would not have liked to have that cough. The research facility was very nise and was conected to a university...H
Laura: Please read all channeled messages with discernment, all messages can be interfered with by the channelers’ mind or by lower dimension entities.Message channeled by Laura Tyco
Laura: Good evening SaLuSa. I think that people are happy to see eve
Right now I am so happy that I could start to cry! Yesturday when I meditated I asked andromedan rex if he could give Xzai-On a message from me, incase if he was bissy. I also asked rex if he could give Xzai-On a little free time off to visit me...
You Are The Light Sharers - Sananda
I am Sananda and I am pleased to be with you at this time. Understand that you have come together at a time when once again just as of old you are fulfilling that promise to join once again, old souls reuniting. A
Synopsis: The Collective Evolution II: The Human Experience is a documentary focused o
I feel awfully irritated today,not happy at all. When I woke up this morning I had a very bad feeling that something was not right at all. So I called my friend and I was right, she was unhappy. So I talked with her for a while so she could get off s
In this particular quote from William LePar's spiritual source, The Council, they give us the keys to changing our outlook, those attitudes about life that we wish were different. For most of us there are some people and situations that really get un
The Answer to Life The Universe and Everything
Those who have followed my posts will know that I love Douglas Adams.
It’s funny that although I read the books I never saw the movie made in 2005.
I watched it this week and came across, thanks to Doug
Message from Yeshua ~ 2.16.12 ~ BE ONE ~
February 17, 2012 in Channeled Messages, Yeshua
Tags: 5th Dimension, Ascended Masters, ascension, Be One, divine, Fran Zepeda. A Healing Place, Heaven, Inner Guidance, Light, love, meditation, oneness, peace, S
The wise knows that they don't know
And they listen more than they speak.
The truth in its entirety would crush us
Only pieces can be shown
But still eyes will advert
Because no one can ever
Make us see what we don’t want to see
It’s all or nothing
To abando
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Also a double whammy, with Trudeau hitting the ejector seat button, today....Happy landings...🤣""