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More and people are experiencing the stages of light body activation. The consciousness of the universe is rising, which in turn is increasing the vibration of the people residing in it.
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More and people are experiencing the stages of light body activation. The consciousness of the universe is rising, which in turn is increasing the vibration of the people residing in it.
Major Key To Transgenderism!!! Bisphenol A Creates Baphomets And It’s In 16000 Food Products!!! Dangerous Gender Bending Plastics/Receipt/Aluminum Chemical Is In 90% American Blood!!!! Detox From Bisphenol A In 10 Days!!! Theory: Much Transgenderism
merkabah eraoflight
“Like the Sun, we must breathe, radiating out all life, and from all life we will receive our manna.” “Love then is the most intelligent and creative force in the universe! It is literally the vine that ties and supports all life
In this uplifting quote William LePar's spiritual source, The Council, gives us all hope as we move through our lives.
The Council: There are many rules that seem immovable, but they are only as rigid and solid as are the men who make them. The rules
Whoever wants to have powers should sacrifice himself for h
Dear All,
Greetings! Today we’re focusing with a ‘planetary ascension overview’, the current energetic stage of the Earth’s shift-in-progress, with a request from the Ascension Council, the focus group of the Galactic Council with the role of overseei
Base numbers in Numerology
1 = all there is, unity
2 = duality, free choice, puzzle
3 = catalyst (healers often have this number around them) They change things around them without changing themselves.
4 = earth number, community, Gaia, grounded, farmers
From the feedback I have gathered, it seems that increasingly, more Lightworkers are experiencing sleep-related problems, including unusual stiffness on neck and shoulders after sleep, difficulty falling asleep, waking up at wee hours of the night an
Greetings dear children of my heart, and song of my soul. It is I, your Mother Mary, here to lend a supporting ear and to shower you with love and support from on high this eve. For much that you hold close to your heart in the hidden places – the hi
Does anyone donate to these types of things like
Hey folks…this is a pretty god message I thought I’d share from Stillness In the Storm. We all need a break from the Matrix we are in, and learning a bit more about mythology in our world is a good distraction for me…hope it is for you as well!
Most of us instinctively understand energy vibrations. We immediately know if we have walked in on an argument, even if we didn’t hear a word because we feel the tension in the room. Conversely, we may experience a peaceful atmosphere at a holy site
All gnostic can form your sanctuary at home; a table, bread an
All gnostic can form your sanctuary at home; a table, bread an
We have always been...we just can't remember, Why?
Because we keep on changing bodies and each time its a little bit of a shock..Why?
Due to the attachment of everything we have done.
We can barely remember when we were a baby.But were still the same co
Gaia is creation. She is symbolic of all worlds, all solar systems, galaxies, multi verses in time space. She evolved from first to third dimension and now she moves beyond. Her path is no different from the smallest amoeba living on her. We all have
Kryon Explains How Drastically Your Life Will Change With a Higher Akash
Published February 13, 2018
Presented on February 8, 2018, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
In this Channeling, Kryon speaks about the influx of benevolent experiences Light
Okay…you have decided that you don’t really need to wake up, what the heck does that term mean anyway? You are wide awake, not asleep at the wheel!
If, by now, if you have decided that you really aren’t an economic slave who pays to live on Planet Ear
Questioner: Do you have any hope for people who are divorced or separated? According to their religious teachings, some of them may feel doomed.
The Council: They are never doomed, and to be burdened with such feelings can be destructive to the indivi