All Posts (28)
Gina Hill has what might be her most spectacular slide show yet of what her iPhone and clip-on lens photograph in the night sky. Just beautiful.
My system is painfully slow, so I’m gonna go. ~ BP
**We have ships and Light Beings!
An unusually blue aur
Translucent ‘cloudship’ forming over Brent Knoll, UK, during January 12th 2020 activation, projecting from the Meri’Ashar mothership…as a sign of higher dimensional unity, love and grace beaming down into the polarity field.
Dear Friends,
Greetings! We
The Composition of the Soul
Questioner: I just want to know if the soul, each person's soul, is composed of more than one part?
The Council: First, shall we say, that the soul would be better understood as the report card of the entity's work with crea
Chapter 53
When Jesus concluded, he told his disciples: "Now and therefore, let the one in whom the spirit be agitated, come and say the solution to the t 300w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 620px) 100vw, 620px" data-lazy-src="" sizes="( 300w, 1024w,

Related QAnon: Think Nothings Happening? Last Week, 10 Events that Show the Deep State is Going Down
Source –
by Conscious Optimist, February 20th, 2020
Dear Fellow Patriots,
Hold steady. Q just made another drop, and this one — if you ask me —
Planetary Ascension
Our beloved planet Earth (Gaia) is currently moving into a part of our galaxy that is being bombarded with highly-energetic cosmic waves. This energy is the impetus of our planetary ascension; and those whose frequency is not a vib
Chemical Geoengineering Operations Are Carried Out Worldwide — 24/7 — with False ‘National Security’ Justification
The following video exposé is quite extraordinary by any standard.
A secret chemtrail pilot speaks out for the first time in modern histo 768w, 958w" sizes="(max-width: 498px) 100vw, 498px" width="498" height="297" />
“The Earth is in trouble.” “The 300w, 300w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 950px) 100vw, 950px" width="555" height="292" />
Welcome travele 300w, 768w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 901px) 100vw, 901px" data-lazy-src="https:/
Chapter 51
When Jesus finished speaking he said to his disciples: "Whoever is wise among you, may he proclaim his solution."
James came forward, kissed Jesus' ches
What must be done to be in complete union with our Spiritual Self?
You must become in HARMONIC UNION with your Spiritual Self. The Harmonics of Sound in your physical body must become identical to the Harmonics of your Spiritual Self. You must become 300w, 768w, https://st
Dr.Angela Barnett
Mary Magdalene
Bezelda the Singing Mermaid
The normal shift will be into Ascension Earth, however it is possible to prepare for light travel to Terra Ha at this time. T 300w,
Latest Activity
The administration has downplayed the importance of the text messages inadvertently sent to <em>The Atlantic</em>’s editor in chief.