Russia “Puzzled” Over Malaysia Airlines “Capture” By US Navy
A new report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared by the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces (GRU) states tha
Russia “Puzzled” Over Malaysia Airlines “Capture” By US Navy
A new report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared by the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces (GRU) states tha
Hierarch of the Aquarian Age
Saint Germain is the chohan of the seventh ray. Together with his twin flame, the ascended lady master Portia, the Goddess of Justice, he is the hierarch of the Aquarian age.
He is the great sponsor of freedom’s flame, w
Hi everybody!
Just wanted to give a little update on me.
At the moment and for the next 3 weeks, I am real busy.
I feel so strechted out physically, emotionally and intellectually between being away from loved ones abroad, having to work and study my bo
We are Agarthians and we greet you this day and age our dearly beloved companions of the magnificent planet that we all call home.
The mother star ship that is floating amongst the stars.
We come to you today to heed this message to t
Ascension is a gradual process where you return to the Divine Father’s heart. It is when you become light again.
White symbolizes the light of eternity.
This is what you are and have always been. You are eternal beings and children of God and have the
Self Realization Fellowship
This is my faith. Some of you may have heard of Paramahansa Yoganda who published Autobiography of a Yogi. Well, anyways, he is my Guru. I love him an
Questioner: Are there certain experiences a soul has to have before they choose a particular sign to be born into?
The Council: Each sign has the ability to offer an entity, shall we say, tools to work with. Since the final product or the final devel
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Visit Quantum Energy Process Blog & Click Link Here & View The 12 Totem Animals & view your own animal related to your
Hocus Focus: 3 Steps To A Magical Life
By: Will Donnelly
Web Source:
In Western civilization, we are gifted with the freedom to consciously participate in our own happ
A whipping. The worst pictures of gender persecution cannot be shown without shocking and alienating readers.
I called attention to a channeled message yesterday that showed God threatening all his (her, its) children.
But listen to Archangel Gabriell
Adapt ? Change ? Evolve
Julie Miller
March 14, 2014
Just about every dear soul lacks a certain amount of awareness at no fault of their own about who they are.
And this lack of awareness is not about who you are on the outside, but who you ar
Kuan Yin of the Pink and Golden Ray of Light
“The End of Illusion”
Greetings dear ones I am Kuan Yin of the loving vibration of the pink and golden ray of light. I come to you with love in my heart and to hold humanity through these ever shifting and
Think of God living in a building with us. He is in every floor, every nook and cranny of this building.
The higher you go to live in the building, the more you join with God in your daily experience.
The full essence of God resides in the penthouse an
Love is God ,Life is Love, all is Love,
Love just is, let it be,below as above.
Love answers all questions that can be
Love lifts you up when you are down, you see.
Love is true Vision that judges not,
Love see's the goodness that was forgot.
Love remembe
Today I wish to discuss with you the importance of utilizing your throat chakra as a form of higher communication or "communion" with the external/outer world. Just as your co-creative abilities have been greatly enhanced and amplified in pote
March 14 - Free Enery Publify Party(Japan timeline)
March 15 - New Physics Seminer(Japan timeline)
GFL make performance avobe Sendai Japan.
Japan Make First Contact on March 15th
The word schizophrenia and bi-polar are man made word these people are just more tuned into other dimentions/beings, hearing angelic guidance etc and you would obviously think you were mad if you didn't know what was happening, "schizophrenic and bi-