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Why Is Spaceship Necessary?

Of course UFOlogists are not, at least initially, telling us that ETs come here through witchcraft. They are telling us that they use advanced technology. Part of justification of this spaceships involves understanding this technology. Anecdotal evid

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UFOlogy Hypocrisy

If everything is possible, what is the purpose of a spaceship? Why not just wave a magic wand an voila, you disappear on earth and reappear in Andromeda! Clearly we need a better explanation for UFO than 'everything is possible' type baloney.

Ashtar C

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The New World Order Plans

Create a very contagious but super low mortality rate virus to fit the needed plan, using SARS, HIV, Hybrid Research Strain created at Fort Dietrich Class 4 lab from 2008 to 2013 as part of a research project to find out why corona viruses spread lik

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Understanding Crystalline Body



You have probably heard of 'crystalline body', read more and find that they won't tell you what it is. They will tell you what it does! They won't explain or justify why most of these thing it does requires a crystalline body!! They will talk of hea

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Out There! The Things We Dare Not Speak Chapter 2

Live! International Tele-Activation

Saturday March 20, 2021  9:00 AM  (Pacific Time) - $35

Strange Interplanetary Races, Virtual Reality Prison, The ‘Clown Planet’ and Human Fear, Targos, Planet of the Giants, Unusual ‘Home Hacks’ that Increase Your E

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rev.joshua skirvin posted a blog post
 The world is witnessing a regime change bigger than the fall of the Soviet Union. This is the collapse of Khazarian Mafia rule in the West. The consequences will be felt for thousands of years into the future. This is what the public humiliation of…
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Justin89636 commented on Justin89636's blog post The Sigma Draconians And The Sigma Draconian Solar System
"Glad you guys like these blogs. I still got 8 or 9 more of these blogs to go so plenty more good info coming. I'm surprised Sheldon's book didn't have a section on the Alpha Draconians. They are only mentioned a little bit in the Sigma Draconis…"
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