All Posts (94)
I thought this piece of info from ACIM { A Course in Miracles } would be of interest sence it was channelled from JC back in 1967. It is lesson # 76, that means if you started the yearly course around Jan.1st, this lesson would turn up around mid to
Of course UFOlogists are not, at least initially, telling us that ETs come here through witchcraft. They are telling us that they use advanced technology. Part of justification of this spaceships involves understanding this technology. Anecdotal evid
Folks will hear a lot of things that are so shocking, so outside their realm of accepted reality they won’t believe them; good news must be the salve to help wounds heal. This video tells us what has been happening, who was responsible, their crimes,
If everything is possible, what is the purpose of a spaceship? Why not just wave a magic wand an voila, you disappear on earth and reappear in Andromeda! Clearly we need a better explanation for UFO than 'everything is possible' type baloney.
Ashtar C
It became apparent that they were telling us years in advance—to the day—what would be happening. And how is that possible? Time travel, for one. Or technology that enables them to see other timelines. Or reincarnation of souls who have full memory o
NESARA is the most ground breaking reformation to sweep not only the United States of America but the whole planet (thus GESARA) in its entire history. The act does away with the Federal Reserve Bank, the IRS, the shadow government, and much more.
If you have any doubt that Humanity is awakening, look at the protests in these cities this weekend; London, Paris, Kassel Germany… and if I had time to hang out on Twitter and Telegram I’d probably see more. In Paris they are saying it’s about polic
As Charlie Ward points out in this update below with Jason Q, Trump did his job. He voluntarily took Regeneron and Hydroxychloroquine at the beginning of the scamdemic and told us he feels 20 years younger. Those are considered therapeutics AND vacci
In our quest, This is a new interview with Simon Parkes on Doug Billings’ show The Right Side. Video at the link.
Create a very contagious but super low mortality rate virus to fit the needed plan, using SARS, HIV, Hybrid Research Strain created at Fort Dietrich Class 4 lab from 2008 to 2013 as part of a research project to find out why corona viruses spread lik
You have probably heard of 'crystalline body', read more and find that they won't tell you what it is. They will tell you what it does! They won't explain or justify why most of these thing it does requires a crystalline body!! They will talk of hea
The conversation Gene Decode/Co Sensei had with Michael Jaco recently was fascinating. Toward the end Gene spoke of the ongoing galactic war. They don’t want to scare us with something most Humans have no basis for understanding. Is it any wonder we
Live! International Tele-Activation
Saturday March 20, 2021 9:00 AM (Pacific Time) - $35
Strange Interplanetary Races, Virtual Reality Prison, The ‘Clown Planet’ and Human Fear, Targos, Planet of the Giants, Unusual ‘Home Hacks’ that Increase Your E
https://prepareforchange.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Screen-Shot-2021-03-13-at-9.12.05-AM-300x167.png 300w, https://prepareforchange.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Screen-Shot-2021-03-13-at-9.12.05-AM-1024x570.png 1024w, https://prepareforchange.
The death penalty has been pronounced against all those promoting worldwide genocide and fraudulent vaxxine-based genetic engineering. The heads of Pfizer and Astra Z are being hunted by Special Forces.
https://prepareforchange.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Screen-Shot-2021-03-17-at-6.57.41-PM-300x300.png 300w, https://prepareforchange.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Screen-Shot-2021-03-17-at-6.57.41-PM-1020x1024.png 1020w, https://prepareforchange
https://prepareforchange.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Benjamin-Fulford-Geo-Political-Updates-NEW-2-1-300x275.jpg 300w, https://prepareforchange.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Benjamin-Fulford-Geo-Political-Updates-NEW-2-1-1024x939.jpg 1024w, https
Banned Video—Share it and Wake Someone Up [video]
The post I prepared this morning got deleted in error so I’m just sending this excellent video out that conveys the urgency of the situation on our plane