All Posts (299)
Someone said that selflessness can't be without the self since it makes one feel good and anything that makes us feel good is planned by the ego. The true way to selflessness is to not care about the result. However, my rebuttal to that was for discu
My beloved seemed to have loads to do yesturday! He had not been contacting me telepaticly except in the morning little after i woke upp and had been to the bathroom and when he wanted me to channel his letter. Enyway i was tired and decided to go to
If Power is energy that may be stored and utilized for our evolutionary path and the evolution of all beings on the planet, then our goal is to store and then apply this energy in the most economical and concise way possible. The Avatars have present
If only it were so. Of course there are many different branches to follow. It turns out it's a heart mystical combo that gives you that hour or so of truth witch you take as real , as that moment's epiphany plays out . Still the true hand has yet
Many times over we find ourselves trying to answer a higher calling but as soon as we pick up momentum something or some one tries to make us stray from the path. Instead of seeing it as just hitting our heads against a hard place and using force, wh
I don't mean to be snippy here, but I've had several comment on my screen name--why somesayimnot? Am I doubting myself? DO I not love myself?
I have had several people say "some say you are" or "I say you are"...but I really have to clear things up
I recently read, somewhere (perhaps Greg Giles' "Ascension Earth" site), a short description from who I believe was the Ashtar Command, describing how to summon an Ashtar Command craft. It involved going to a remote location and repeating, in a low v
Greetings All!
As we all are preparing ourselves for the upcoming Galactic events and the Shift, I would like to introduce to you, a song that I came upon which I feel was channeled to this group, just for US! The song is from " The Polkadotted Stripe
Today, I have, like allways been thinking of my beloved Xzai-On. Because of that I wanted to see more pictures of his duppleganger of cause! Luckely I found more pictures of him and the more pictures of his duppleganger I saw the more my thoughts wen
I came to this site to connect in a galactic way with "family", possible "friends", and other beings period who are open to growing together. With that being said there is a serious lack of harmony building on this site. Please be responsible and dro
This is a message I think everyone would benefit from reading, and it's a timely message for me personally, because lately, I've been feeling, what I call "all too human" in terms of, feeling like I'm small, and ordinary, and just a regular human...i
Let us begin by saying that your world will shortly be undergoing changes that will bring it into alignment with the Ascension process. Gaia has sent her message to the Creator that she is ready. She, and all of us, are anxiously awaiting the respons
You can google paltslk express and search for the room called Galactic Federation Lightworker Conference Room, or click on this link... the password is galactic to enter. 130 lightworkers have been here a
Yesterday on March 25, Wanderer of the Skies gave us this message as a part of an overall update:
“Gaia has sent her message to the Creator that she is ready. She, and all of us, are anxious
The Federation of Light by Blossom Goodchild
March 26, 2012
Last wednesday I had a serious telepatic conversation with Ashtar Sheran. Since it is Ashtar that is the "Big Boss" and the one that is in charge of everything I decided to talk with him telepaticly. I told him that there is NO WAY, I am going to wai
Our civilization is very good at expressing 3 of the 4 elements. The element of Fire is very much an important part of life. We must be disciplined, have will power and be focused in order to succeed. In Air we must be well educated, have an understa
Today I found myselfe like allways thinking of my beloved Xzai-On. He is allways there in my thoughts and I Miss hims so incredible much and I can´t hardly await him to land. He has got permission from Ashtar to land, but when I have no clue yet, onl