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just now Comment- see link below. Positive comments are welcomed.
Well, finally the Truth is out . This is a great blog, one of the very best ever put on this site and others too. I have been waiting for this to come out, as it is exactly what I have
New World Order :Following or Combating The Mercenaries of Darkness on The Path of Distruction
For the people knowing the story and the chronicles of darkness , the rebellions Lucifer-Satan and their worchippers,they understand the similarities on the
Posted: March 28, 2014 | Author: Karen Dover | Filed under: expansion, LOVE, multi dimensional, New Earth Reality,TRUTH CODES, universe of 3 | Tags: creation, crystalline sanctuary, human life, Karen Dover, LOVE, new earth, TRUTH,universe of 3 |7 Co
Hello my beautiful friends. I‘d like to speak about polarities, or Yin and Yang in other words. It is said that there is an opposite to everything, a fear to every love as if to infer that there are polarities in everything, but I’d like to point out
Hello my beautiful friends. I‘d like to speak about polarities, or Yin and Yang in other words. It is said that there is an opposite to everything, a fear to every love as if to infer that there are polarities in everything, but I’d like to point out
The Bardo Thodol
specifically translated The Liberation upon hearing
in the Bardos...
Where in the after life it was spoken as a guidebook
the bardo of becoming is here there'es nothing to be afraid of
there will be a beguiling alluring light
the great whi
For those of you who have stepped up to be Lightbearers of various frequencies, your connection to the Christ Consciousness Unity Grid will be amplifying.
If during your meditation times, or when we are supposed to be asleep -for those of you who have
When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times
by Pema Chödrön, page 113
There is nobody on the planet, neither those whom we see as the oppressed nor those whom we see as the oppressor, who doesn’t have
Sharon Taphorn
Archangel Gabriel ~ Finding your Purpose and Direction
Archangel Gabriel name means 'God is my Strength'.
He can assist you with communications, revelations and understanding and is the bringer of truth who can help direct yo
Newsletter from the Collective of Guides March 28, 2014
Dear Ones,
We are loving you powerfully. You are living in an incredibly exciting time that will not be remembered as 'the good old days.'
What we mean by this is that you are in the midst of glob
Eliza: A Time for Reflection
So we’re a week past the Equinox. How do you feel? Are you perhaps feeling lost and confused? Well, that’s a good thing! It means you have stepped into a new energy frequency that you have not experienced prior in this or
Recently I have discovered how star seeds, star people, “aliens” and most light workers get to earth. There are many different ways of getting here into a human body. What I am about to tell you will probably shock you, your mind will begin to spin a
We Will be Visualizing~Meditating The Earth from Space.Working with our own Chakra System, to assist Gaia with her vibration sending her our loving healing!❤
For the purposes of this global meditation , the time set is 7.11PM FRIDAY 4 April , wherever
Putin Playing Chess (Hilarious Picture, Russian Point of View) |
Putin Playing Chess (Hilarious Picture, Russian Point of View)
It doesn’t take long for Russian humor to tear into the pronouncements of
Message from Peter:
Dear starseeds, bringers of light, lightworkers, light warriors, angelic humans, or however you choose to identify yourselves, this is Peter, your Pleiadian brother of light and affiliate of the Pleiadian Council of L
In this quote from William LePar's spiritual source they tell us that those of us in the earth plane or the material manifestation have lost, to a degree, our awareness of our true godly state. It has been partially severed. We still need this connec
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The dark side of the moon
Greetings from the Command!
The moon has always been one of our main bases of communication from the…
The dark side of the moon
Greetings from the Command!
The moon has always been one of our main bases of communication from the…