Uh…very interesting news my friends given the assertion of Cobra, and other spiritual folk, about a “kiss from the Sun” heralding the long-awaited “Event”. Of course, no man will know the date and time of this happening and this ties in beautifully w
All Posts (75)
Through this work, the advanced Gnostic students, the occultis
by Amanda Lawrence
New Earth News Correspondent
At the exact point of the forthcoming ‘LIGHT WAVE’, certain humans will serve as energetic node points across GAIA. They are positioned accurately. As energetic nodes, their light wil
The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie: Conscious Communication with Your Galactic Family
Blossom Goodchild, Channeling the Galactic Federation, March 10th 2018.
This could be the heart opening that the Divine Mother has referred to.
Hello, my friends. Well, once again the internet is a’glow with talk of THE E
We are One not two
The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light:
"We are here now.
We love you.
We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.
Dear Ones, we invite you to allow yourself to step into a new reality, a higher dimension...
The momentum on your
Blossom Goodchild – Channeling the Federation of Light – March 3, 2018
Archangel Michael on Balancing Work and Recreation
In this next excerpt from Dec. 20, 2018, an archangel counsels his servant on balancing work and relaxation and tells him to embrace the smallest and the biggest of change
A Vision for Lovenergy
Today's Vision was contributed by Joe Tolve. Blind since his youth, Joe has written three books and has been with the Intenders for many years. His story is very inspiring. He says:
Hello Pam and Tony
The Arcturians via Sue Lie: The Bringers of the Dawn
You, that is, all of you, are standing on the edge, but you may not be sure what “edge” you are standing on. Sometimes, it is difficult to determine what “edge” you are o
Paula Forget: Where Our Future Awaits Us
Angelic Guides via Taryn Crimi: Don’t Let Negative Circumstances Dictate Your Focus
Archangel Michael on Valor
Everything Archangel Michael says is fraught with significance.
Here he is greeting me on Dec. 20, 2017, but greeting everybody. And what he goes on to teach, though he doesn’t mention it by nam
Munder – Massive Explosion at Cern: Incinerates Scientists and Destroys Part of CERN
Editor: These idiots are trying to open a portal to another Universe to bring in more dark energy troops, thereby circumventing the blockage around our planet. Yes, t
We are now on the verge of some seriously massive, transformative, NEW, multidimensional energies planet Earth has never seen before. It’s here to activate ALL of us into a deeper knowing and aspect of ourselves. March is activating deep cellular kno
Hi beloveds!!!
Today it is snowing heavily again...I was at work and had to leave at 1:30pm if I wanted to make it home...The roads were already two to three inches filled with snow...As I was driving up a hill I had the signal of slippery road and th
Audio version.Video version.
Greetings, I am Master El Morya, the Chohan and overseer of the First Ray of Light. It is my purpose to oversee and activate within others the Creator’s qualities of wisdom, divine will, power, courage and action. It is my
When people realize that their thoughts and Visions are creating their future,
then we can create a better future for ourselves.
The Vision Alignment Project
Michael Salla: YouTube Purge of Social Media Threatens Full Disclosure
YouTube Purge of Social Media Threatens Full Disclosure
Dr Michael Salla, Exopolitics.org, March 4, 2018
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The dark side of the moon
Greetings from the Command!
The moon has always been one of our main bases of communication from the…
The dark side of the moon
Greetings from the Command!
The moon has always been one of our main bases of communication from the…