All Posts (432)
Channeled by Goldenlight, © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit, original title, the full message u
A few days ago I have received a very interesting account of an experience that an incredible light worker has shared with me about opening the portal at Luxor. What she managed to do, has altered the history of mankind and will continue to have tre
by Robert Sindelar, The Way Inn Shamanic Team
When we get lost in our thoughts and emotions on the past and future, we often forget the amazing nature of the present moment–a perpetual clean slate to be perceived in whatever way our minds choose. Whe
The center of the dance of life is you, beloved one(s). You are the heart of All That Is ever moving, bathed in grace, the expression of Light and Love, creating more and more of itself. The truth of your heart is a vast and glorious thing that, like
28. März 2014
by April Bender
I wish to discuss with you today, the importance of Self-Care, Compassion and Love. As these are the crucial qualities or energies that you should be abundantly expressing to Self at this time. Because in order for you to fully Recla
The Worldwide Launch of the Mother’s Tsunami of Love
Two channelings that set the tone for the worldwide launch of the Mother’s Tsunami of Love 03-25-14
Channeling: Archangel Gabrielle
Greetings, I am Gabriel, Lily of Love, Trumpet of Trut
The Tsunami of Love: An Urgent Appeal
The following is an urgent appeal from a dedicated and marvelous group of volunteers working with the Council of Love.
The Tsunami of Love is the Universal Mother’s gift for all of humanity to conscio
When I look to the cosmos I see so much beauty.
The stars shinning so beautifully and giving there
light and warmth to whatever life is in there heavenly embrace.
They are beacons of light that shines so bright and
lights up the darkness, just as we do
Dr. Joe Dispenza claims that every time we learn something new, hundreds of thousands of our neurons change,which affects the state of our physical body.
Dr. Dispenza is known worldwide for his original theory of the connection between mind and matt
As you breath tune into the infinite space that is your heart and allow it to be.
Feel the energy there. Send an I love you to your heart. Be with your own heart in tenderness and appreciation.
Appreciate the essence that is you as this
The Order of the Magi
After the Arcane Orders, the Magi Order is the most exclusive of the Mystery Schools. Although the Nazarene was a member of the Priesthood of Melchizedek, it was the Priests of the Magi who were Divinely informed of the birth of
We are cheering you on enthusiastically from here in the spiritual realms (which is, of course, right next to you, beside you, closer than you can possibly imagine!) as the moment for your awakening approaches.
Getting closer to your moment of awakeni
Value Your Life and the Monumental Creation That You Are – Allow What You Have Ownership of, To Gain Value through You,
As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan, March 2014 at: | Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.
It is impo
Pamela Kribbe
Jeshua: Paradises on Earth, channeled by Pamela Kribbe, March 25, 2014 at: | Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.
Translation by Maria Baes and Frank Tehan
Dear friends, I welcome you here today, and I greet you all from the bot
This is one of the stories I found on Educating Humanity to be most interesting.
Iran Alien Disclosure Statement, ET Driving UFO World Policies
Snowden Documents Prove “US-Alien-Agenda” is Driving US Policies, Revelation Stuns Russia
This has to be th
Yin/ above so below. As without so within
Symbols without darkness there would be no light. Without light you would not know darkness
As above so below. what my mind imagines to be the heavens try do I to create the same in the now illusions
Marc Oromaner, Contributor Waking Times
Anyone who travels within spiritual circles has probably heard about “vibrations.” The context is usually that someone with a higher vibration is somehow more spiritual or that the goal of the individual is to
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The dark side of the moon
Greetings from the Command!
The moon has always been one of our main bases of communication from the…
The dark side of the moon
Greetings from the Command!
The moon has always been one of our main bases of communication from the…