The whole essence of truth cannot be transmitted from any other. All answers are to be found in the sanctuary of your own heart, in the innermost depths of intuition combined with learned understanding and knowledge gleaned through direct experience.
All Posts (157)
In a world of limitations your purpose is to move, see, sense, think and exists beyond the influence of limitations. Many people do not realize this when existing upon the Earth instead they accept and absorb all challeng
Kara Schallock ~ March Gateway: Equinox & Lunar Eclipse – 17-Mar-2016
A United State of Consciousness
What would you most like to hear Me say to you? What is your heart aching to hear?
If only you would hear Me right now, really hear Me, your heart would be full o
“ Greetings , I am AA Gabrielle . Lily of Love and Trumpet of the Truth , Servant of the Mother and Messenger of the One and I am here with you today and everyday not only to bring you my Love and eternal support , to infuse you with my bubbles of J
Monday, 14 March, 2016
We are in the midst of an incredibly powerful influx of Light. This involves the Eclipse series we entered on March 8th with a New Moon Solar Eclipse and the Super Full Moon Lunar Eclipse t
By Lauren Tober
Embracing our sensitivity can make it a strength instead of a weakness
Up to 20% of the population are considered to be ‘highly sensitive.’ High sensitivity isn’t a psychological weakness, but is an innate trait…the brains of highly sen
What is Hindering Your Ascension?
By Sanat Kumara
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 18th March 2016 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
In a world of limitations your purpose is to move, see, sense, think and exists beyond the
We are here, honored once again to have this opportunity to share our energy with you. We offer our appreciation as we recognize your determination and service to truly make a difference.
We extend our support as you are encountering the challenges an
Hello and welcome, we are your Angelic Guides. Today we would like to focus your attention upon the topic of trust. You see, many of you are experiencing periods of doubt, fear and worry and the response is often to want to release it. But how? This
Council of Light equinoxYour world is entering a period of immense destabilization.
In past messages we have referred to Chaotic Nodes as unexpected catalytic and chaotic changes. We have also noted in past communications that multiple Chaotic Nodes a
From Spirit of the Scriptures-Mike Doss
Why are Christians getting so sick?
During my life I have been around many people whom I would classify hardcore Christians. I began to notice something in common with all of them – namely, that the more
A Soul Centered Life
Do you ever feel a need to be loved and nurtured? Do you ever wish you were wrapped up in loving arms that are there just for you?? This chann
Blossom Goodchild
Sheldan Nidle - March 15, 2016;11 Ahau, 13 Ceh, 12 Manik
Selamat Jalwa! The progress toward a mass global success moves ahead! Despite a series of procedural adjustments last week, the needed movement of funds continued. At present, the special histor
We have moved to a point that We must contemplate now,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and Your favor is not what I seek,,,,,
I Seek U,,,,, but in a Darkness of Beliefs and Fears,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, U are a Wonderful Flower planted in a muddy pond , the Jewel of
With Archangel Metatron, channeled by Melanie Beckler.
Greetings, I Archangel Metatron and I am pleased to connect with you now. Understand that you are experiencing a period of
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The dark side of the moon
Greetings from the Command!
The moon has always been one of our main bases of communication from the…
The dark side of the moon
Greetings from the Command!
The moon has always been one of our main bases of communication from the…
Biden spent hundredsof millions of tax payerbuck over the last year- totally planned"