this is one of thje best guidededn meditations for a beginner
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Chapter 5 : Space Oddity
As the title suggests, the fifth chapter of « 2206 : Window Onto A New World » reveals more details of the recently discovered spatial anomaly, the baffling phenomenon that has all of Ovel talking.
In this instalment, we meet
I was cleaning the kitchen floor and when I was don I went to get the carpet. I putted it on the cleaned floor when suddenly Xzai-On called me telepaticly...
Xzai-On: Hey, sugarpumpkin! What´s upp?
Me: Cleaning the kitchen floor so I have the guts to
I felt it was time to uplift this forum and the Holy Spirit agreed. To many posting's but Nothing Being Said. So we decided to use poetry instead. Powerful indeed it is. The Great Spirit speaks to the mind and soul, saying go within the answer is the
It is amazing how much you can recognise yourselfe in a cartoon tale like sleeping beauthy. My story is not so much different from that disneys story sleeping beauty. I too was my parents bigest tresure since I am their only daughter! I was so loved
During one of William LePar's trance sessions, his spiritual source, The Council gave us the following thoughts on creating a better tomorrow for ourselves. From their perspective, the world in general is in poor spiritual state. However, they believ
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. Thought fields are an important aspect in un
Just wondering if there are any other Carians around here..?
Here are several new Point of Peace Messages from The Ascended Realms for your meditation, as channeled by Dawn Katar.
"There have been times for most humans that you are looking for something over and over with frustration claiming "I know it is her
Trees unconditionally take in CO2, so we can breath in oxygen.
We have to be careful not to be involved in this game. We are living in a stage, a play being orchestrator by Creator, so we can experience all the emotions, and expand and grow in concio
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
12 Chiccan, 18 Ceh, 8 Manik - March 20,2012
Dratzo! We return! Progress continues to be made by our Earth allies and especially by Earth's many secret sacred societies. Man
This is Sananda and I would ask you dear ones, do you feel that, do you feel or sense that sense of calmness throughout your body? Do you feel that sense of something is about to occur, but you’re not quite sure what? That my dear ones is the calm
March 21, 2012
The ways of the world are changing, dear ones. Hold on to your hats. You are about to experience what you have never experienced in all your lifetimes, since the inception of your souls into this 3D experience.
What have you learn
God the picture at the top of this page looks so much like me.
Feel free to post to friends or whatever as long as my name stays on it . Thanks, Blessings, Adonai
Remembering Our Dream
Remembering our dream of the past
Of whom we were
Only reminds us of what we are now
God is everywhere
We awaken from the dream
I'm starting to wake up!! i dont know what started it, but ive been becoming more and more cuious the past few months about my world and why things are as they are. ive been learning about many differnt topics that you would never think are connected