The other day above the only mirror in my house which is the bathroom I painted a quote and that quote is
im not a superficial person makeup jewelry clothes hair it don't impress me. I look in the mirror only once a
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Jumping back a moment to the old patriarchal systems circling the drain faster every day now and the unaware human devotees of and to those old corrupt negative systems — employees, their jobs, careers, titles, incomes, monies, ego-base
MALCHUT IS THE PHYSICAL BODY, the Physical World. It is important to remember that the Vital Body is merely the upper section of the physical body. Those who do not accept this concept think the physical is a separate body and Vital quite anot
One of the best things about Ascension is rarely discussed amongst lightworkers. We won’t be re-incarnating on third-dimensional Earth any more. Yippee!
We have been re-incarnating on the Earth plane for millennia for our spiritual evolution. Also, li
This is the Dragon,
Your science has a story for how humans populated the planet. We are going to provide an alternate view of how it happened. There is no right, no wrong. There is what is uplifting and what isn't, and there is discernment as to what
Goddess Arianrhod- Goddess of the Silver Wheel (full moon), fate, the turning of the wheel/year.
Arianrhod, the Celtic Goddess of the Silver Wheel
March 30, 2015
I was urged to open the circle at my altar, to hold a ceremony to the Gods and ente
Power over your Emotions
by Gary van Warmerdam
Losing Control to Your Emotions
Why do we lose control to our emotional reactions? We have put so much into our beliefs that they are powerful and generate a lot of emotions. The power we put in them is f
Archangel Luciel, the archangel of light and love, also known as the master teacher among the archangels and archeia's, gives you indepth teachings about twin flames...
Archangel Luciel, the archangel of light and love, teaches you about the plains, what this plains are and what plains there are not, which plains that are created by humans that has not yet ascended....Archangel Luciel is aware of that this info can
Its been a while since I’ve last uploaded anything and that’s because I was away travelling!
I absolutely love to travel. Right now I am having a spiritual adventure !
One of the benefits of travelling is that one can learn to appreciate wha
In this video Lord Shiva takes up the subject about onion and garlic and the rewritten nonsense about it, rewritten around 10000 years ago...For some of you, some parts in this message can hit hard. Lord Shiva himself is very aware of this..
For those of us who find ourselves travelling on a spiritual path, it can be very common to experience a few “growing pains” on our journey. Things which hurt beyond belief, but which always result in more clarity, wisdom, and a deep
In5D March 30, 2015 Awareness
The 9 Veils Placed On Every Human Soul in5d in 5d
by A. True Ott, PhD
Nearly a decade ago, a dear friend and colleague of mine named Don Harkins authored a wonderfully thought-provoking piece entitled “Slavery and the Eight
Brian: Cosmic Awareness calls the Germanwings crash a false flag event. This is fascinating deconstruction of the official story. As always, please use your discretion.
Audio version of this channeling is available here.
That which is Cosmic Awareness
Dear Ones,
Greetings to all in this season of Christian celebration. Know that the death and resurrection remembered at Easter were meant to provide profound spiritual teachings for all, Christian as well as non-Christian.
Spring is bringing with it ne
When did human beings start considering themselves better than all other living species on the planet? When did we begin to consider other life forms insignificant or beneath us?
Our beautiful earth is, I shake my head as I type this knowing that
Together, the Violet Flame of transmutation and the Pink Flame of divine love, both created together in one braided energy stream shall firstly transmute any and all human miscreation and through its alchemy within the context of the pink flame, shal
ENERGIZE! FEEL THE SOURCE! 11:11 Energizing Electromagnetic Meditation by Lord Ashtar to do 20 Minutes Per Day + Purpose and Mission + Excerpts From Ashtar's *State of the Planet* Address
11:11 Energizing Electromagnetic Meditation
Lord Ashtar with L
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The administration has downplayed the importance of the text messages inadvertently sent to <em>The Atlantic</em>’s editor in chief.