- The Cosmic Christ and the historical Christ, Aelohim and Elohim - INRI - The conscious observation - The Blessed Mother - The Three and the Seven Steps o
- The Cosmic Christ and the historical Christ, Aelohim and Elohim - INRI - The conscious observation - The Blessed Mother - The Three and the Seven Steps o
This quote from William LePar's spiritual source The Council has a lot to say. It answers the question of what caused the extinction of the dinosaurs and also makes a prediction for the future. It also states that the Atlanteans had what we call toda
Guan Yin on awakening of the masses and more
By Linda LI
Guan Yin says, dear heart, I am Guan Yin. I come today to give you an update on what is about to happen, and what has been brought to the surface by the current incoming energy.
Yes, Divine and t
SGT Report
The storm is coming. Will Lehr from Perpetual Assets joins me to discuss the economy, precious metals and the sea change we are seeing across the globe because the witch (Hillary) isn’t in the Oval Office.
Hey everybody, I usually don't post articles on Ashtar Command (or I haven't in a long time) but I just need somebody to talk to who may understand me.
There have been some weird things that have happened to me in my life and I would like to make no
I was still a boy of twelve springs, when solicitous with so
Cmdr. Sundeelia: What’s Next?
What comes next on planet Earth is an excellent question, but one that will only be answered through the gradual outplaying of events that lay before us.
Since I am officially “retired” in your parlance – the truth is far
Mother Mary says, dear heart, I am Mother Mary. I come today with important news. Divine has decreed that humanity’s ascension has been going so well lately that Divine feels that it is time to kick it up a notch and increase the incoming energy so t
Taught in good manners, I confess frankly and unambig
Channeling Session Date: 11/02/1998
This month the staff of the Hades Base News remember once more and honor our friend now between lives, The Baron. This session was the third one The Baron had served as ringmaster and he would be heading back to
The following is a closing message from a trance with William LePar's spiritual source, The Council. It encourages us to love and respect ourselves. It was a constant theme with them.
The Council: We enjoy being with you. The nature, the good nature,
Dear All,
We’d like to share a quick overview of the passage from the last Full Moon on March 1st to the upcoming Equinox on March 20-21st, as part of one of the larger ‘arcs of alignment’ of 2018, peaking in May (we’ll come to this later). For anyone
The Limitation of Mental and Physical Reality - YouTube
…. then if you wanted to…you add a bit of a red tint to the picture… to get Mars!… if you wanted to hmmmm imagine… if you wanted to rule the world or something… if you were against your own species… if your role model is Dr. Evil… if you do what thou
Inventor of vehicle that is powered by water passes away in restaurant shouting 'They Poisoned Me'.
Are you aware that water-powered vehicles have been in existence for many years? Well, if not, then I’s likely because they’ve not been covered by the
Uh…very interesting news my friends given the assertion of Cobra, and other spiritual folk, about a “kiss from the Sun” heralding the long-awaited “Event”. Of course, no man will know the date and time of this happening and this ties in beautifully w
Through this work, the advanced Gnostic students, the occultis
by Amanda Lawrence
New Earth News Correspondent
At the exact point of the forthcoming ‘LIGHT WAVE’, certain humans will serve as energetic node points across GAIA. They are positioned accurately. As energetic nodes, their light wil
Munder – Massive Explosion at Cern: Incinerates Scientists and Destroys Part of CERN
Editor: These idiots are trying to open a portal to another Universe to bring in more dark energy troops, thereby circumventing the blockage around our planet. Yes, t