All Posts (62)

By Open...Contributing Writer for Wake Up World
Gaia’s shift into the Fifth Density has been timed not just for earth’s continued evolution, but also to deal with an Opposing Consciousness that has intervened in the natural evolutionary path of the
Hello everyone !
I come from a Southeast Asian country, but I believe in the theme and the galactic alliance team, I have been learning about our community for a while, but due to our language is not spoken. must be in English, so it is quite difficul
In this quote from William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, they explain why marijuana is not good for us but also give an important thought on it as a curative drug.
The Council: Marijuana definitely leaves a residue in the brain tissue. It ca
Planetary Evacuation Update via Sananda March 26, 2022!! Mother Earth has told us (she is) no longer on hold! Do you know what that means? It’s called a planet ready to graduate.
Kryon – “Hidden in Plain Sight” – 2022
As a counter-balance, here’s a Kryon channeling uploaded recently. They are always calming and reassuring and this one begins following the brief meditation. Perhaps we need an attitude adjustment.
Kryon – “Hidde
Here’s a very interesting 17 min. video from Jetson White on the “Royal bloodlines”. Perhaps not what you think? And those “vaccines”…
The psychopaths may consider themselves more than Human. I consider them sub-Human because they lack the
All right folks! It is officially happening. GESARA is happening all over USA right now.
SITUATION UPDATE 3/18/22 ....If you’re having difficulty keeping up with the news and developments, you might want to relax for a bit wit
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The administration has downplayed the importance of the text messages inadvertently sent to <em>The Atlantic</em>’s editor in chief.