Dr. Angela Barnett
So this superior frequency of consciousness sings a new reality into the fibers of the DNA and this causes the old movies in the old DNA to melt away. The harmonic fibers si
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Dr. Angela Barnett
The Immortal DNA contains the image of Christ Consciousness. It is the DNA that allows the highest frequency from the Music of the Spheres to melt awa
- The Cosmic Christ and the historical Christ, Aelohim and Elohim - INRI - The conscious observation - The Blessed Mother - The Three and the Seven Steps of Freemasonry - The three traitors - The meaning of the Twel
In Archangel Metatron’s previous Capsule of Wisdom No 90 he focused upon the Sacral Chakra and its importance in the ascension of all. Archangel Metatron now brings for a channelling and guided meditation in Capsule No 91 focused upon the purpose an
Dear Friends,
As we welcome April, in this deep breath between the solar eclipse-equinox and upcoming lunar eclipse (Blood Moon)-Easter, are you ready and open to go further with the energies present with/for us right now? From my own journeying and o
Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Goswami Maharaja in Auckland New Zealand 2008...word for word. ..
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu gives to others not ragatmika but raganuga, what is raganuga-
following of or practicing to have that siddha bhava, raganuga is sad
Accepting the Steps of Resurrection, Restoration, and Contact To Be My Guide
I am learning that I have walked this earth many times,
Some in joy, others in sadness;
I am at a time in my awareness,
That all these thoughts and emotions are affecting me
A Dissertation from Rev. Meleriessee with Master Djwhal Khul
We are within a powerful week of “resurrection” which represents many elements within our existence upon Gaia. We are coming upon the “Festival of the Christ”; the first of the three Festiva
We are now coming into the next three-month period of deep acceleration with the Festivals of the Christ, Wesak, and Humanity through the months of April, May, and June. These energies help to set the stage for all initiates to fully step into the ne
Believing in online dream interpretation is apparently being increasingly considered to be a silly thing to do - about as silly as Moon Landings. Just like people don´t believe in Moon Landings no more, there is nobody out there online who can interp
Greetings! Spring is upon us and Easter as well... Even though many consider Easter a christian holiday, societies across the globe and through history have celebrated this period after the Equinox with similar themes that transcend language and tim
Proposal for world federation has now been passed on to key power centers
Greetings everyone! Before I begin this channeling I would like to add a personal note. As many of you already know and have felt we have just experienced an opening of phenomenal portal of light, a portal of stabilization and a portal of progress an
“Blood Moon” Total Eclipse (April 4) = Moon of Manifestation!
We’re right in the midst of a powerful Eclipse cycle!
These cycles happen twice a year, and the one we’re in now has been particularly intense and filled with opportunity.
Eclipses always com
Saul once said: “Once Love is recognized, … Its loving embrace is utterly irresistible.” (1)
I can vouch for that. (2)
Saul isn’t talking about romantic love, friendliness, or kindness, but about transformative, universal and unconditional love. H
For now, much has been set into motion that will take more than a few of you by surprise, as the incoming crescendo of light that will accompany the darkening of the moon will be such, it will literally blow the lid off the deepest of reservoirs with
Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as protection.
As one grows in their spiritual light, awareness, and knowledge, they come to the realization that they must develop their spiritual skills impeccably. It is also their tas
For now, much has been set into motion that will take more than a few of you by surprise, as the incoming crescendo of light that will accompany the darkening of the moon will be such, it will literally blow the lid off the deepest of reservoirs with
Georgi Stankov
Even if this message discusses well-known esoteric truths, it is highly relevant at this moment for one simple reason. We have commenced to create our world in a conscious manner and we must be aware that this creation is subject to som
Beloved Rose of Light:
Precious Ones of My Heart's Flame, as We enter into the enjoyment of the evening in releasing of that Power of My Rose of White Fire from the Great Central Sun, try to feel that you are entering into the great Love that holds Et
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GENOCIDE BILL GATES to mRNA-vaccinate all cows, goats and sheep in Africa, but never animals they DON’T EAT, so what’s the “methane emission” goal again?"