Note from Wes: Exampling the turn-away from channelings that are too long-winded, I offer this message from the Ascended Masters as well as one that will be forthcoming. The two were originally one communication, but I de
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...opportunities are arising and being cosmically fueled, (cosmic energies which can not be turned off) is allowing for some to begin exiting the matrix of controlled thought and existence, duality...Change" vs "Not so much change...Change equals the
Craving customers like vampires drawn to blood, the Manchurian medication junkies seek to create a constant stream of new patients in order to expand their disease-based fear of influence. In this instance, the annual flu shot is b
This amazing footage scrubs every explination out the window, these very heavily lit powered craft caught UFODI attention and needed to be shown! Antishake i...
recorded on June 28, 2001, William Cooper
uncannily predicted 9/11 and the blaming
of Osama Bin Laden.
On November 5th of that year, he was shot
to death by County Deputies, attempting to
arrest him at his h
This morning (April 12, 2012) the Master St.Germain came to me. He wants to tell you a few things so here he is: Greetings, I am St. Germain. I am here to help you. You are trying to do too much entirely on your own without the assistance of the Light |
The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild
April 17, 2013
Blossom: Good morning! Well I have certainly found my mind to be in some miserable places lately … yet today FEELS so much better , so I thought it best
The global state of emergency on your planet includes the immediate collapse of 3d, which this is certainly no reality to brush off with the ego, often saying, "I'll believe it when it happens," is how many light workers, and star seeds are
This video might upset some people here on ACC. Only those with the light and the heart with in on the right place
will realize the message and see the truth in it...
Walking without certain direction,no place to arrive,no wide open arms to receive me here
I didn’t found a reason to keep going,walking in this lugubrious journey,I had to stop,all seems so despondent so boring,no colors to defy my gaze wherever I'd l
I’m posting this today despite the tragic Boston attack, as it increasingly seems to be cabal-caused and when things like this happen, the work being done to rebuild our Earth tends to fall by the wayside in favor of continual cove
Teacher: Julie Miller video: Meditation & Spiritual Enlightenment
There is only one thing ever to point to for your own freedom. And it's not a th
This is the second part of a two-part posting on how I meditate. You can read the first part by clicking HERE. Be sure to read the first part before reading this second post as the second post may not make sense to you without reading the first part
Archangel-michael explains today that the angels and archangels intervene less with us as we approach Ascension, similar to a mother with her child when the training wheels come off the bicycle. While there remains brutality in the world, we know th