One of the keys to living a healthy, balanced, joyful, abundant and content life is to check in with yourself frequently and make sure that you are grounded. I have listed 7 effective ways to keep yourself grounded that you can use as often as you wi
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All of God’s divine creation, all sentient beings, even those who appear to be utterly unaware of their inherent divine nature, are assisting humanity at this point in its spiritual awakening.
All are One. There is no separation. There is only an illu
We are moving into the higher dimensions at the present. This is creating a temporary confusion of time. You will have dreams that are erratic and strange sometimes. You will wake up and feel emotionally confused. Your sleep pattern
The Kingdom of His Sovereignty which my Father is establishing in the hearts of his earth children will become an eternal and everlasting dominion throughout the Earth. Once set up, His rule in each and every heart will raise all the humanity into Hi
The Dragonfly dances from place to place
With joyful and ineffable grace
Luminous wings and flashing hue
Remember that you are the Dancer too
Your dance of light creates all you see
Spinning, whirling, dancing and free
It has been a really powerful and int
If you are on an accelerated spiritual path at this time, then you know what unconditional love feels like with all of your being. Once you have felt this love, you can’t believe that you used to live without it. Conditional love just can’t exist for
The following is part of a series on ascension symptoms extracted from a PDF by Humanity Healing and is not to be interpreted as medical advice.
As the process of cellular transformation progresses, you will be weighted down by an err
Greetings once again Dear Ones, in this time of new beginnings.
We come to bring encouragement and Love to the many of you who are experiencing seeming discord, both within and without. Old ideas are quickly becoming obsolete and dissolving, but the n
by admin
There are so many "groups", "orders" and supposed "family lines" that fall under the Illuminati umbrella that I guess that the "Illuminati" term is useful as a overall term just as the term "Annunaki" was a useful overall term used in ancient
Do you know I think spiritual people today are the most outspoken, much more so than in the seventies, eighties or nineties. I believe the war on terror beginning caused a major spike in peoples consciousness and people became more radical versions o
A Wooden Match Goes Up in Flame When It is Struck
Annoyance and anger just aren’t worth it. Do you really have to be upset again and again by mulling over the same occasion? There must be other r
The conscious collective focus opens holes in the containment veil created by the enemies of light, currently the forms-thought-light creations are manifesting in the three dimensional world in a very fast way, we are in a very privileged view. I wa
The Awakening of the Diamond Swans by Lord Merlin
The Awakening of the Diamond Swans by Lord Merlin
Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 24th April 2015- Sacred School of OmNa
It is with vibrations of magic, the nature world and the expansion of the univ
Heavenly Blessings
Linda Dillon: Channel for the Council of Love
Suzanne Maresca: Host, InLight Universal
Suzanne Maresca: Today we will be hearing from Archangel Gabrielle on the subject of what may seem at times like extreme energetic sensitivity. Man
The Company of Heaven has revealed that in 2015 the monumental influx of Light and the powerful Celestial alignments Humanity has experienced, so far, have raised the vibratory rate of the collective energy, vibration, and consciousness of Humanity e
The following is part of a series on ascension symptoms extracted from a PDF by Humanity Healing and is not to be interpreted as medical advice.
People are already finding a desire to eat in a different way. They are seeing a great sh
The Calm Before The Storm
The energetic weather report for April 25, 2015 is that you, our dear Volunteers, are in “the calm before the storm.” We will begin by differentiating between the third dimensional definition of storm and the Multidimensional
The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild
April 25, 2015
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The dark side of the moon
Greetings from the Command!
The moon has always been one of our main bases of communication from the…
The dark side of the moon
Greetings from the Command!
The moon has always been one of our main bases of communication from the…