We are here to tell you of new mining techniques from the dark energies. These personal documents that you all are creating and saving on the boxes in front of you for later access are being retrieved through the guise of FREE SOFTWARE ...You dear be
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Sheldan Nidle’s Timeline Scenario
by Steve Beckow
Geoff West had Sheldan Nidle on Cosmic Vision News last week. Sheldan offered this view of the likely events for the rest of this year.
Posted by Meindert Arends on April 28, 2012 at 8:30pm
If the information you find on this site intruiguing and simply need help with knowing how to INTEGRATE these powerful new energies and potentials into your life, we now have a great
I was going to get myselfe some ingredients to make some potatosallad from store. When I had bought everything I was going over the street to get to the other side when I heard some sort of nasty issue going on and I turned around and I saw a fight s
Greetings Fellow Travelers, We are here to tell you of new mining techniques from the dark energies. These personal documents that you all are creating and saving on the boxes in front of you for later access are being retrieved through the guise of
There is much to report but I would like to start with what I think is the most important, May 20th Predictions and events. Seems there is a list of events that is going happening that date. Our space brothers of the GFL has been given us warnings in
Michelle Obama's $500,000 shopping trip: Huge taxpayer bill for First Lady's Spanish beach getaway revealed
- New documents disclose $500,000 tab Michelle Obama left for taxpayers
- Voters sour on Obamas' lifestyle that critics call 'tone-deaf' and 'hypoc

Greetings from the Galactic Federation of Light,
The aim is to realize that only free choice you have is to claim at worldwide level your right for free will. That you get rid of the heritage of falsity and remember your integrity, your unselfi
In each day now, you will find evidence of the changing you, the you that is becoming more and more the self you desire to be. Let your focus and your joy be upon that realization. Revel in it. Focus upon it...begin each day looking for the new a
This afternoon I wrote a very heartfelt statement to a editor who works for Mother and Father God on a completely different website and the opportunity was given to me to share this with others as an silent source so I took it. I don't mind sharing w
https://bracoamerica.com/Braco_America/Braco_Live_Streaming.html From the documentary, Braco, The Paradigm Shift, this powerful clip speaks volumes for the silent Braco and includes testimonies of live streaming. Tens of thousands attest to his mira

Chapter 10 : South Side Of The Sky
The tenth episode of the Threshold Bookcast focuses on Jake Harvey, the popular leader of the New Light Party.
At the start of the chapter, the rookie politician is enjoying a stargazing break on the observation dec
I have had moments when I just became very happy for no reason. This flashed up when I didn't expect it. I have had this feeling when I sit and meditate by the beach or in my garden. The mind must be full of love and all things forgiven and joy pract
Chief Golden Light Eagle (also known as Standing Elk), has provided these manuscripts free of charge, in an effort to spread higher vibrational consciousness on this planet.
To follow the whole story, please refer on my previous blog called "geometric lottery chart" http://awakeningsymptoms.blogspot.com/2012/04/another-winning-ticket.html
Love and Blessings
Greetings, beautiful Souls of Mother Earth and beyond. I come before you today to bring you news that will lift your heart and cleanse your soul.
Many events are about to commence, Dear Ones. All around the Universes, beings wait with bated breat
really interesting!
Reports from Philippino tribes-people and the White Dragon Society members indicate a major military stand-off is taking place in the South China Sea and the Philippines over control of historical gold deposits in the region.
Obama lawyers admit to LYING to SCOTUS; (FAKE BIRTH CERTIFICATE)
to win a case [link to www.scotusblog.com] Regrets, but no apology Saying they had regrets, but without apologizing directly, the federal government’s lawyers have admitted to the Suprem